Family comes in all different sizes.

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Upon waking up, Jack was initially disoriented as he tried to understand his surroundings. After examining the machines in the brightly lit room, he realized that he was in the hospital. Jack sat up and focused on the door that was opening before him.

“Ah, Mr Darby, you're awake. May I ask you some questions?” The doctor asked. Jack nodded, providing the doctor with all the necessary answers.

"You fell and lost consciousness, but after running some scans, we determined that everything appears to be fine. You will experience a bump and bruise, so avoid activities that may cause dizziness. Nurse Darby is waiting for you outside."

"Did you trip on your way to work? What happened?" June asked with concern, placing her hand on her son's forehead. Jack flinched as a sharp pain ran through his head. Stepping back, he took his mother's hands into his own.

"Mom, I'm okay. I just tripped and hit my head on the railing." The boy smiled as he looked out the window and saw the bots in the parking lot.

Jack asked his mother if she had finished work and received a nod in response. He then led her to the car park, but instead of going to their car, he stopped in front of a semi-truck. As he watched the consoles light up, he turned back to his mother.

"I know you're probably wondering why we're here, but there's something you need to know. We can talk about it now. Please just trust me," Jack said as he headed for the passenger side. He opened the door and watched his mom hesitate before following him and getting into the truck. Once they were both inside, Jack got in the driver's seat and they drove back to the base in silence, with Optimus at the wheel.

Jack led the two of them to the couch with his mother in tow, who was staring in a daze. As they sat down, Jack watched June as the Autobots transformed. June screamed a little when she saw the bots and quickly ducked behind her son as the tallest one approached. Chuckling at his mom’s reaction, Jack held her hands tightly but not roughly, earning a shaken smile.

"Ms. Darby, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots," Prime introduced himself. Jack observed June's body language as he spoke. Despite leaning heavily on him, he noticed that she appeared to relax and her eyes widened in recognition.

June's gaze remained fixed on Optimus as she mumbled, "You're real, I thought he was just making you all up..."

Before Optimus could respond, Ratchet, who had become frustrated, stepped forward and turned towards Jack.

"Jack, what did the doctor say? Are you alright?" Grinning at the bot, Jack walked towards the medic. "I'm alright, Ratch. The doctor said no damage was caused. I'll have a bump and bruise for a bit, but nothing more." The room was filled with relieved sighs.

Jack signalled to Ratchet that he wanted to be lifted. Ratchet carefully watched over Jack, ensuring that he didn't hurt himself while climbing onto his back. Once Jack was safely supported, Ratchet made his way to the computers while June engaged in a conversation with Optimus.

The Autobot leader smiled softly as he watched Jack passionately gesture about an incident at the hospital, while the medic listened intently.

“June asked softly, "I thought you guys only met once? Those two seem close.” Her eyes softened when she saw how relaxed her son was here with the Autobots.

Optimus' optics flicked from the human to the medic and teenager duo. "I believe that young Jackson made an impression on Ratchet due to his intelligence at such a young age," Prime said, looking at the woman.

“Our medic was relieved to see that Jack was safe when we first encountered him at his workplace. Despite being much smaller than us, Jack fearlessly welcomed us to this planet and did not show any signs of fear."

June listened carefully to Prime's words, feeling a sense of comfort knowing how much her son Jack meant to the Autobots. It made her feel more at ease with him in their care. "Jack has always had a way of making anyone feel comfortable, especially when he's at the hospital," she said with a smile.

The two watched as Jack threw his head back in laughter. His pure joy warmed their hearts and sparks.

Optimus' optics locked once more with June's. "I can promise you, Ms. Darby, your son is under the protection of more than one Autobot. Nothing will happen to him while in our care."

“Call me June, any of Jack’s friends are family,” June replied, smiling at the big bot as the two watched over their family together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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