The Dance Prt 1

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"Is there something of the club's policies you wish to criticize? O'Haruhi-kun who owes us an eight million yen debt?" Kyoya questioned, saying it more as a statement.

Well he's gonna be a pain. I just know it

Tamaki did another dramatic fan movement. "A good man nor woman," He eyed me, Alexis and Elyssa when her said that last part. "should not bundle themselves up. Even if its early spring when the world is freezing. At the club we want to receive those freezing kittens, with a warm tropical paradise aura! Yes, today this place is the ULTIMATE PARADISE!!! A hot, hot everlasting summer!" He had put his arm around, now-standing, Haruhi.

"Actually I feel cold in many ways...." Haruhi said whilst keeping her annoyed aura.

"Now, get your costumes on! Its almost time for hosting to begin!!!" Tamaki shouted while revealing three tropical dresses.

"No." Me and Haruhi said at the exact same time. Alexis tilted her head, then shook it, signaling she was on our side.

"But Alva, Alexis, Haruhiiiii, you'd all look so cute!!!" Tamaki complained.

I simply shook my head and walked to where all the hosts were positioned to welcome the customers, or as Alexis likes to call them, Fangirls/Fanboys.

"Is everyone in place?" I heard Kyoya say from behind me.

The way we were positioned was, Tamaki in the front chair, Haruhi sitting on the ground to his right and Ash on the left, while holding up a cocky smile and peace sign. Honey was behind Ash, only being able to see from the bottom of his flower neckelace and up. Elyssa was next to Honey and in front of Takashi, doing a hand-on-hid pose. Takashi was at the end of the left side, next Hikaru, while holding a pineapple. Hikaru was behind Tamaki along with Kyoya, who stood to his right. Kyoya was also behind Tamaki's chair and in between the twins. Kaoru was at the end of the left side. Finally, me and Alexis were standing to the right of Tamaki, and due to our height you can clearly see the hosts behind us (Alva is 5.1 and Alexis is 5.0 while the twins are 5.9 and Kyoya is 5.11).

Suddenly the doors burst open and dozens of girls and boys flooded into the room.

"Welcome~" All the hosts but me sang. I did the salute hand gesture with a stoic expression.

"Also to our male guests," Kyoya put his hands together while putting on a fake smile. "we have two new hostesses, Alva Blackburn, our calm and protective host and Alexis Parker, our shy flirty host. They are a 2-in-1 request, so it'll be double the price." He then walked to the line of male hosts wanting to request me and Alexis.

I didn't think we'd get requested right away, and by more than 2 dozen people as well.

"C'mon, Kyoya said that our hosting area is that couch right there." Alexis pointed to couch that was only a couple feet away from Haruhi's area.

Alexis grabbed my hand and we both walked over to the couch. It was made of gold with red, plush cushioning. The gold was carved in a lovely manner that looked like ocean waves, going in separate directions beginning from the middle.

"What a lovely design." I said as I let my finger gently feel across its carvings. Alexis nodded in agreement and began admiring the design with me.

"Alva-san?" Haruhi asked as she leaned over the couches golden arm rest. I turned to face her.

"Hm." I hummed, signaling her to continue her question.

"Can you serve some of Tamaki's guests glasses while I clean off the used cups?" She slightly tilted her head while asking this.

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