Meeting at the Village

Start from the beginning

Gaara was staring, 'Are they serious?'

Temari blurted, "Who are you?"

The red haired man turned to her, "I am Kohaku."

Kankuro, "Apologies for the rudeness but you look similar to the S - ranked missing nin from Suna."

Kohaku, "I understand. I am not him though I assure you. Allow me to introduce you to our Shodaime Uzumaki Nagato."

Kyoko, 'An Uzumaki.... Of course they can sense my clones. That explains a lot about why but leaves many others.'

Tsunade spoke up, "It is wonderful to meet another Uzumaki. Welcome to Konoha."

Nagato nodded, "Thank you. I have heard a lot about you. Especially your student, Naiko Kyoko, the Sun Healer of Konoha."

Tsunade chuckled, "Kyoko is a lot of things except, being one of my students. She was already a Head Healer before I returned to claim the hat."

Nagato blinked, "What?"

Shikamaru, "It is the truth. Kyoko - san here created her own division and techniques different from Tsunade - sama's techniques."

Kaizen the leader of Kusa spoke up, "I see, how impressive. You were also the one who encouraged Uzumaki Karin to become the leader of the Healers in Kusa."

Kyoko sighed, "I apologise in advance if I sound condescending or anything like that. But that girl has more chakra which can be used to heal the entire nation than you do. So yes, I encouraged her to become the Head Healer either by working hard and straight forward or by force if necessary."

Kaizen narrowed his eyes, "Is that so?"

Kyoko, "I face your shinobi during the Chunin exams Kaizen - sama. I do not wish to criticize but their actions can be labelled as suicidal. If we were at War, their arrogance would have gotten them killed."

Kaizen, "Such a harsh judgement."

Kyoko, "Like I said I apologise for sounding rude."

Kaizen, "Actually Karin - chan put them in their place using similar reasons. So, I cannot judge you on it."

Tsunade, "I believe no one else is planning on attending this meeting so shall we begin?"

Gaara, "I have no objections."

Nagato nodded, "No objections from me either."

Kaizen, "The faster we do this, the faster we return home."

Tsunade, "Let the first inter - Hokage meeting of Konoha after the War begin."

Naruto was hunched over his seal then pushed it away sighing, 'I can't focus at all.'

Jiraya, "What has gotten you so depressed?"

Naruto, "Koko - tan just sent a message before the meeting room was sealed away."

Jiraya sat up straight, "She did?"

Naruto, "Uzumaki Nagato."

Jiraya, "What?"

Naruto, "That is the leader of Ame and the one most likely housing the missing nin. I was wondering how they could be so confident in just accepting such dangerous Shinobi but now it makes sense."

Jiraya was quiet but his hands were clenched tight, "I see. I will have to go talk to them."

Naruto, "Hey, what's wrong?"

Jiraya was crying, "I thought I lost him during the War. I am glad he is alive."

Naruto, "Did you know him?"

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