The Plan/8:

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After months of the morse code communication. An idea was soon proposed. 

What if he came down during the next extermination. Which for some reason, the people of heaven wanted to do again even after the embarrassment of last time.

It was freakishly dangerous, but probably the only way for Sir Pentious to come back and there be some sort of reunification. 

The Extermination was 32 days away. So they began to construct the plan. 

"How about you try to ask sera about joining the exterminators?" Asked Charlie.

Sir Pentious would then respond. "It's not that simple, for one, ever since the last extermination, shit has been taken much more seriously. Downright torturous training. They also did start taking male applicants however."

"I believe to be our best shot." Said Veggie.

"Cmon now think about it, what if you guys repented?" Sir Pentious asked.

Sir Pentious went a few minutes without an answer. Then, an answer came through.

"That's not really in the cards for us."

Sir Pentious rolled his eyes. "Give me something that isn't torturous training" Said Sir Pentious. 

"We'll get back to you with a better plan." and the conversation ended. 

Sir penthouse headed through the promenade looking for fun activities. Because it was Sunday, not many places were open.  

He saw many delightful things, like a Snack bar, many nice restaurants, even a few Ice Cream parlor's, in which one was open.

"Hello what would you li..... WAIT, YOU'RE THE ONE." Said the cashier.

"What are you talking about?" Asked sir pentious.

"The one from hell that came up here."

"Oh, you must've saw that, yeah that was me."

The clerk's face turned to anger. "WE DONT LIKE YOUR KIND HERE, GET OUT!!!"

Sir Pentious ran out of that place, and then nearly teared up due to him feeling inferior to the others.

He then got angry and remembered the other person he had to pay back, so he went looking for Ghost Rider.

He searched high and low, up and down, left and right, back and front, in and out, everywhere. 

And just as he was about to go back home empty handed. He got a call from The Wiseman.

"So, when we play Rec Hockey tomorrow. A new face will be joining us. He had maybe one of the stupidest names I have ever heard." The wiseman started.

"What is it?"

"You're not gonna believe it, but its like "Ghost Rider"

"Is that so, me and him have crossed paths before."

"Well what's he like?"

"He asked if I wanted to play basketball with me, and never showed up, which is the day I met you guys."

"...Well maybe he changed."

"I hope so. Goodbye" Sir pentious said whilst hanging up.


"What could he even do to get down here?" Asked Angel Dust.

"We need to make a board full of possibilities."

*The Hotel would come up with many ideas, some good, some bad.*

"Ok, so our best idea so far is to use the tech in his communication device to make some sort of portal." Said Charlie.

"Well we should ask him how he made the device." Said Cherri Bomb

So, That was the plan.

*Rec Hockey Day*

Sir Pentious would show up first, Then the 3 wonders. And to Sir Pentious' Surprise, Ghost rider pulled up. 

Sir Pentious walked up to him wanted some answers. 

"Hey Ghost Rider, remember me."

*Ghost Rider squinted*

"Oh yeah, aren't you the guy who asked me to play basketball with him?"

"Yes it is, why did you totally blow me off?"

"I had some business to manage. Don't take it personally"

Sir Pentious decided to believe him because who would lie about that...

"Let's play some hockey!!!" Exclaimed The Tribal Chief.

(Sir Pentious and Ghost Rider Vs. The Three Wonders)

Sir Pentious and Ghost Rider were outright unstoppable on the ice, The 3 wonders once again got embarrassed.

"So is this guy gonna join our group?" asked Sir Pentious.

"Well what do you think Ghost Rider?" Asked Honorary Ruce.

"I'm busy a lot, so i'll miss some hangouts, but if you're fine with that, then I'm all good with joining."

"Awesome! here's our schedule." Said the wiseman while handing Ghost Rider a piece of paper.

Sir Pentious headed back home. And immediately morse coded about his day.  Which is when he was told about the new plan.

Sir Pentious/Cherri Bomb: Inter-dimension Love.Where stories live. Discover now