On The Court/6:

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The Communication was Bitter Sweet, because now they could communicate with each other, but there was no clear option on how they could actually reconnect. This Morse Code would be the only way.

Sera Was Absolutely Livid, setting up a "manhunt" for Sir Pentious. To prove if he actually lost his memory or not.

"Trust Me, if he would've caused harm, it would be present already." Emily said towards Sera.

Sera wasn't in the mood for this. So She decided to look herself, again.

Emily would begin secretly telling the people of heaven that Sera may not be who they presume her to be.

Sir Pentious Realized He Forgot about Weekly Golf. But it was the Day Of Basketball, so he went and had to explain himself.

"Looks fellow friends, I'm so sincerely sorry about my absence from Mini Golf Yesterday, please forgive me."

The Three Looked Confused.

"Don't worry about it man, stuff happens." Said The Tribal Chief.

"It's all cool, LETS BALL!" Said The Wiseman.

Sir Pentious was Overjoyed his new friends didn't care too much.

And Balled, He did. The New Friends who went by "The 3 Wonders" were astonished. This Game was Dominated by Sir Pentious' 3's. Going 12/15 in 3 pointers. He also had 7 dunks. His team won 64-41.

The 3 Wonders decided it might be unfair for what team he was on. So they came up with a proposal.

"Look Man, you're extraordinarily good at this sport, I've never seen such talent. So how about we have a 3v1." Asked The Honorary Ruce.

"Well, I don't see why not, if you truly believe I'm that good." Answered Sir Pentious.

"Awesome, let us ball."

The game was a firestorm, 3's all over, Dunks left and right. Sir Pentious was speedy, so passing was almost useless.

The Final Score would actually be a tie after 15 minutes, 62-62.

So they went to free throws.

The Wiseman missed their missed his first one, so did Sir Pentious, The Tribal Chief made his shot, Sir Pentious missed again. Honorary Ruce made his shot. Sir Pentious Needed this shot to stay alive. And while he was Winding Up.

"SIR PENTIOUS, What are you doing here?" Sera realized her angered voice was a bad idea.

Sir Pentious Remembered the Dilemma, so he acted ignorant. "Sorry but who are you?"

"Cut The Fluff Sir Pentious. These 3 Told Me Everything."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Sir Pentious said, clearly being betrayed.

"Yeah, what is this about?" Asked The Tribal Chief.

"Your friend here is actually from hell."

The 3 Wonders were very confused.

"What are you talking about? He's the realest and most sincere person I may have ever met." Said The Wiseman.

Emily Overheard the problem ensuing. Having told a few people about the issue of sera.

"What's going on here?" Asked Emily

"It's true, he never lost his memory." Sera Answered.

"Well I'm Glad, he didn't deserve that."

"How Blind is everybody here? His intentions can be cruel."

"But he wouldn't even hurt a atom particle." Said The Tribal Chief.

Sera was So Pissed off and confused with herself at this point, that she almost broke the basketball hoop. But kept it cool and left.

Emily would then talk to Sir Pentious more about it, all he wanted to do was shoot his free throw.

The conversation lasted around 15 minutes detailing why he didn't lose his memory, some stuff from hell, his other gadgets.

Finally Emily flew away and Sir Pentious would attempt his Free Throw, he missed, heartbreaking for sir Pentious. But the 3 wonders didn't celebrate too hard, because it did take all 3 of them just to beat this one dude.

"Fun games everyone, don't forget about hockey, Sir Pentious." Said Honorary Ruce.

"Oh I Won't!"

Due to the spreading rumors, Sera was going through a PR Nightmare, and decided she would hold a "press conference" that night.

Sir Pentious/Cherri Bomb: Inter-dimension Love.Where stories live. Discover now