Chapter 44

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Everyone assembled in the hall welcomed our chief guest with a huge round of applause.

Dr. Parker along with other dignitaries took their respective seats on the dice. After an introductory welcome speech, Dr. Parker made his way to address the gathering.

I never thought I would meet him again. He's still the same except for some silver hairs that peeped out of his once thick black mane. He definitely won't recognize me now, it's been so many years.

12 years back when Mason showed his true colors, his men abducted my Mom and locked her in their so called facility where they did all those illegal experiments on soulbonds. Fortunately, she didn't had to stay there for long, all thanks to Tony's Mum, Alana. Because of her the police were able to save not just my mom but many others who were used as their lab rats.

Dr. Parker was in the team of experts who took the responsibility to treat the survivors. Only few made it out though because most of the people had started loose their mind because of the drug they were experimented with and also due to the fake bonds they were forced upon with which tampered with their soul energy pushing them into danger.

My mom was one of the survivors. Although she wasn't in the facility, she was under the drug that Mason fed her for years to tamper with her actual soulbond. So, she had it pretty bad just like others.

Unfortunately, Dr. Parker found his soulmate among the survivors. Finding his soulmate wasn't unfortunate but the circumstances were because his soulmate was already a lifeless puppet of those people. My mom had shared a cell with Dr. Parker's soulmate for the few days she was in the facility.

Sometimes fate can be cruel, you know.

The moment Dr. Parker and his soulmate met, their soulbond woke up which led to an soul energy instability in his soulmate because she was under the influence of a drug for so many years. This pushed his soulmate off the cliff. A day later she committed suicide.

Mom always described him as a brave man. Because despite the lose he did his best to save the other survivors.

I always wondered how much emotion a smile can camouflage.

I mentally shook myself to concentrate on the lecture he was about to deliver.

The next two hours was academically the best two hours of my life. I got to learn many advanced concepts from Dr. Parker.

"Girl, that was amazing, wasn't it?" Ji-ah said with a yawn as we made our way out of the hall.

"What was? The 2hr sleep you got or the lecture?" Clarie snickered.

"Well both," Ji-ah shrugged nonchalantly while we just shook our heads at her.

"What can I say," Ji-ah started, "My babe kept me up last night," She whispered to us with a wink.

We both gave her an eye roll and moved towards cafeteria. Ji-won was already waiting for us at our usual table. She had her head phones on and was scribbling something in her sketch book.

Ji-ah ran towards her as if she haven't met her years. They locked themselves in a kiss as soon as they saw each other.

Clarie and I shared a look before taking a seat across the two love birds.

"Get a room guys," I teased as they broke the kiss.

"Maybe we should," Ji-won replied making Ji-ah blush like crazy.

"Shut up, babe."

"Stop flirting you two, it's making me miss my soulmate," Clarie complained.

"Me too," I added.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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