Chapter 32

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You know, sometimes we come across some situations in our life which throw us off track when we think we have it all figured out.

How foolish of us, right?

Because our life always keeps on taking unexpected twists and turns.

I thought I had some chance to reconcile with Jungkook, but this baby announcement just threw my mind into another hurricane.

I can't believe her words.

"You're pregnant with his child?" I meant to ask in an unwavering voice, but my emotions betrayed me, bleeding into my voice, depicting the storm that rose inside me.

"Yes, I'm."

"Why should I believe you, Soyeon?" I asked,  half expecting it to be a bad joke.

"Wait a sec," She said before dabbing her handkerchief under her eyes, and from her tote bag, she produced an ultrasound image, much to my demise.

I sucked in a breath to calm down my racing heart. I could hear my blood rushing to my ears. Trying to keep my hands from trembling, I took the thin sheet of paper in my hands.

I stared at the ultrasound, my eyes tracing the outline of the fetus in her womb.

Is it Jungkook's?

My chest tightened at the thought.
It's a recent one, just a 5-day old image. 5 days back... It means... Two days after Jungkook and Soyeon quarreled in the practice room.

"How many months," I couldn't recognize my voice, it was thick with emotion.

"4 months," She mumbled.

"This can be fabricated as well, right?" I said, waving the sheet of paper in my hand, trying to keep my composure.

"NO!! It's not. I can prove it to you," She said, and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Come with me to my gynac. We can get it checked."

I gulped as dread squeezed my throat, but ended up saying 'Yes' to her.


I stared at the screen until my eyes stung, but couldn't tear my eyes from it.

The faint heartbeat from the machine felt like some siren in my mind. My bond throbbed in pain of betrayal. It's a fact that a woman can only conceive with her soulmate. A woman's body can only be compatible with her soulmate/s. There are rare cases but they're not more than 5 in the world.

As for my case, my Mom conceived me because of some unknown drug that Mason fed her. Otherwise, there was no chance of my birth. But still, here I'm.

The middle-aged woman in the white coat moved the probe slightly over Soyeon's little bump.

She smiled at the screen with teary eyes while I try to keep my tears at bay. The irony.

"Your child is healthy and doing good, Soyeon. There's nothing to worry about," The doctor smiled at her.

"Thank you," She replied. They both rattled off in Korean and I muted myself out of the conversation. But the warmth in the doctor's eyes converted to ice when it met mine. It was that kind of look which can make chills run down your spine. She probably knows who I'm and why I'm here.

My mind was muddled with thoughts of what to do next. I'm unsure how to handle this situation without breaking myself into pieces.

Oh, God!!

My eyes jumped between the ultrasound and Soyeon's little bump. The whole situation had its hand wrapped around my throat making it hard for me to even breathe. But these two women don't need to know that. So I wore that expressionless mask and decided to free myself of this torture. 

My Time (jjk x soulmate au) 💜 {18+}Where stories live. Discover now