Chapter Fourteen

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Dia de las Muertos became my favorite holiday because of Camilla. That day will be etched in my memory forever, in death and in life.
I going through a few files before Vanya and Willow entered my office.
"It would be nice if you'd knock every now and then," I said without looking up.
"No thank you," Willow said. "You can place those on that table over there."
I looked up and saw Camilla and Michael carrying boxes to the other table in my office.
Michael was the top accountant candidate and everyone either loved or hated him. He was tall and dark skinned which made him instantly catch Willow and Vanya's attention. The thing that stood out the most about him though was his prosthetic leg.
"Good afternoon sir," Michael said as he put the box down.
"Hello Mr Jones, Miss Estrella," I replied trying to be as professional as possible and not get distracted by Camilla. I couldn't let anyone else know about my feelings for her, especially another candidate.
"Good afternoon sir," Camilla said with a smile.
"You two can leave now," Vanya said as she and Willow sat on the couch.
They just looked at each other before they walked out of the office.
"Using the candidates for free labor now?" I said going back to my files.
"Hey, they asked to help," Willow defended. "And I wanted to see you get all flustered when Camilla came in."
"And it also helped that that Mikey is a hot piece of ass," Vanya said.
"A hot piece of ass who is also asexual," I said as I closed my last file.
"What?" Vanya said.
"How do you know that?" Willow asked.
"Camilla told me," I replied.
"That changes a lot," Vanya said a little too nonchalantly.
"I won't ask," I said.
"Your dinner with the board has been postponed so you have a free night," Ronnie said as he came in.
"Which reminds me, we should get going before the salon closes," Vanya said standing up.
"Right, oh, we should invite Marie," Willow said.
"Okay, hey Ronnie, watch out because someone's trying to steal your girl," Vanya teased before they walked out.
"I'm not even attracted to women," Willow scoffed.
"Wow, you are joking right?" Ronnie asked before he followed them out of the office.
I sat on my chair and started doing more work. By the time I was done, it was already sunset.
I was about to leave before I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in," I said.
Camilla came in holding a stack of files. "Hello sir, where should I put these?"
"You can put them on the table," I replied. "And you know that when we're alone you can call me Lance."
"We have to keep it as professional as possible," she said as she placed the files on the table. "Anyway, I have to get going before I miss my bus."
"You're going somewhere?"
"Si, my family is meeting for a Dia de las Muertos celebration and my mother will literally slaughter me if I'm late.
"Well, you better hurry then, I hope you have fun."
"Thanks." She received a notification on her phone. "Oh no, my bus just got canceled. How will I get there now?"
"I could drive you."
"No, I, I couldn't ask you to..."
"Relax hermosa, I'm doing nothing tonight so I might as well do a good deed. Come on." I walked out of the office before she could protest. "We should go to your place and get your bags first, right?"
"Yes but... I really can't accept..."
"Seriously, I don't mind." I opened my car door for her.
"I'm not gonna talk you out of this am I?" She entered the car and I closed the door.
"Nope." I sat in the driver's seat and started the ignition. "Unless you really don't want to spend time with me hermosa."
"It's not that, it's just that my family can be a lot and they don't like most people, they don't even like me."
"Family can be like that sometimes, but there's nothing we can do about it."
"Yeah." She looked out the window and got lost in thought as we drove to her house.
As she was getting her bags I decided to text Ronnie and tell him about my trip. He was going to yell at me but I really couldn't care less.
"Okay, I'm ready," Camilla said as she walked up to the car with a small suitcase. "So, are we going back to your place for your bags or..."
"I always have a bag full of essentials packed just in case," I said as I took the suitcase and put it in the trunk.
"Of course you do."
I opened the door for her before sitting in the driver's seat and staring the car. "You know I just realized that I don't even know where we're going."
She let out a small laugh. "Here." She placed her phone on the phone stand. "It's about an hour's drive."
"Then we should get there just in time for dinner."
The hour we spent on the road together flew by as if it were nothing. I never wanted it to end but nothing lasts forever.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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