Chapter Eight

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When I was alive, I kept my circle very small. I had to call a meeting with my closest colleagues to discuss how we were going to go about finding a new accountant.
"I wish I could have been here to do it for you," Vanya, the overseeing manager for all my hotels, said. "I never liked the guy. And I like a good kill." Both her parents were African American but she grew up in Russia, where we met. She had a thirst for blood and always got what she wanted. I usually asked her to do my dirty work but she was overseas when I was getting rid of my old accountant.
"I will miss his silly little jokes," Ian, the guy in charge of international shipping, remarked. When I met him he was loading ships for one of my mother's associates. His scary demeanor and loud voice made him perfect for keeping dock workers in check.
"He's finally one with Mother Earth, I say Lance did him a favor," Willow, my lawyer, said. She was raised in a blasian household where they believed in oneness with nature. Though she was a hipster, she was one hell of a lawyer. I met her after she realized that the firm she was working for was corrupt and she said she wanted revenge. She's dealt with my legal affairs ever since.
"Really? But he wasn't buried," Ronnie said with a confused look on his face.
"It's a figure of speech or some other hippie thing," AJ, my head of security, said. She was one of the fiercest people to ever walk the planet. Born and raised in the heart of Texas with her five brothers, she wasn't to be messed with. Though she could easily pass for a southern belle because of her blonde hair and because she was five feet tall.
"Can we get back to the matter at hand, please?" I asked.
"Right, we need a new accountant," Vanya said. "And we need them before the next carnival trip."
"None of our trusted associates are accountants so we have to take the risk of training new people," Ian said.
"If we start training now, they can be ready by carnival," Vanya said.
"Ronnie and I can run background checks and come up with a list," Willow said. "I'm sure you'd like Camilla to be on it."
"Camilla?" Ian asked with a playful grin.
"I'm intrigued," Vanya said.
"If she fits the requirements she can be on the list," I said. "And Camilla is just..."
"His crush," Ronnie said as he folded a piece of paper in half.
"It's possible for you to have crushes?" Ian said.
"I thought you were aroace," Vanya said.
"Oh she's very real, and very pretty," Willow said.
"I thought we were discussing business," I said.
"We're done now tell us about Camilla," Vanya said.
"Not happening," I said standing up. "If we're done, we all have work to do so I'll see you all when it's time for our next meeting."
"I'll brief you guys over a conference call later," Willow said as I left with Ronnie.
They were nosy and had their flaws, but they were the people I held dearest to me, and I wouldn't trade them for anyone else.
"So, should I call Camilla and ask her if she wants the job?" Ronnie asked.
"I put you and Willow in charge of choosing the candidates so you don't need to ask me," I replied sternly.
"I'll take that as a yes."
I tried my best to hide my excitement. Camilla would be working for me. The idea brought the dumbest smile to my face. I was so stupidly in love with that girl.

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