Chapter Two

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I spend most of this torture time reminiscing. Thinking about all the times when I was happy.
I think about my mama. Taking me to work with her and showing me how to run the business, the fake business. The day she showed me what she truly did, I wanted to run. I didn't though. I stayed by her side until the day she died.I think my obsession with Camilla was a mommy issues thing.
I can never forget the day I met Camilla, even in death. She was the assistant to some sleaze I was partnering with. He never respected her once and forced her to wear the most ridiculous, slutty outfits.
He would call her every five minutes during our meeting to flaunt her like some kind of trophy. I think he heard that rumor about me being a human trafficker and was trying to do business. I wasn't a human trafficker, I shut that down as soon as I inherited the business.
"What's your name miss?" I asked her as she brought in the third tray of water.
"It's Camilla," Mr Brown, the sleaze, replied before she even had time to process the question.
"I asked the lady, not you," I said. "Your name hermosa?"
"Ca... Camilla," she stuttered. "Camilla Estrella."
"I look forward to working with you," I said.
"That's great sir, me too," Mr. Brown said.
"Again, I was talking to the lady," I said. "Bring me the contact."
"Oh yes sir, of course," Mr. Brown said. "So, about changing the terms of ..."
"Càllate!" I exclaimed.
Camilla let out a giggle.
Mr. Brown gave her a death stare before turning back to me. "Leave us."
"Yes sir," she said before she left. She flashed a smile of gratitude at me as she left the conference room.
"Excuse her," Mr. Brown said, "women these days have no respect."
"They get from the men of your days I guess," I said.
He just cleared his throat and drank his water as I read the contract. He couldn't say anything, I was his last hope since he was going bankrupt. Probably because no one wanted to sign with a creep like him.
Oh and yes, I did run his business to the ground and take all his money. He disappeared after. Whether or not that was my fault is irrelevant. No one who treats women like that should have anything. Women are treasures, or at least to me they are.
When I left the conference the first thing I did was look for Camilla. She was sitting at her desk, and Marie was standing over it talking to her.
"And he just told him to shut up? Right there?" Marie asked.
"Yeah," Camilla replied, "he was so stern and confident."
"Seems like I'm the new talk of the town," I said as I walked up to them.
"Hi," Camilla said as she stood up.
"Hello," Marie said in a flirty way.
"Uhm, this is Marie," Camilla said.
"It's a pleasure," I said, "I'm Lance."
"Thank you again for standing up to him for me," Camilla said. "I'd do it too but I have to pay the bills."
"We'll, if you ever want to work at El Águila you're always welcome," I said.
"I might just take you up on that offer," Marie said.
"I was actually talking to Camilla but you can come too, I guess," I said.
Marie just scoffed.
"Sir," My assistant, Ronnie, said as he walked up to us, "you have another meeting to get to."
"Please give Miss Camilla my personal cell," I said, "I'll be waiting for your call."
"Okay," Camilla said before Ronnie gave her a card.
"Remember hermosa, you're a force, una fuerza. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise," I said. "And don't share that number with anyone. I mean it."
I walked out of that building knowing that I had met the love of my life.
"You like her?" Ronnie asked as we entered the car.
"There's a her?" Garrett, my driver, asked.
"Yes there is," Ronnie replied.
"I just met her," I said.
"If you say so," Ronnie said, "it's just that the great Lance Sterling doesn't give his personal cell to just anyone."
"Oh then he's most definitely in love," Garrett said.
"I'm just hoping it isn't a mommy issues thing," Ronnie said.
"It isn't, she does remind me of mama though," I said, "una fuerza, it's in her eyes."
"Sure," Ronnie said sarcastically before we drove off.
I should of listened to Ronnie. But then again I would have been living unhappy. At least I died somewhat happy.
That was the day my life changed forever. The day my heart stopped being mine.

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