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They say when you die your senses disappear one by one. Hearing being the last of them. I never believed that until I experienced it.
The first sense I lost was my sight. I saw her above me, telling me everything would be okay. That wasn't true, she had a habit of lying to me to try and protect me. Mi amor, the best thing to ever happen to me.
She was crying, I hated when she cried. It made my heart feel like it was being ripped out. I tried to wipe her tears and ended up getting blood on her face.
Just then, my vision blurred.
Next was taste. My mouth tasted bitter, I thought it was the blood at first but then I realized it was the betrayal. It tasted so bitter that I felt like vomiting, though that might have been my organs failing.
Next was smell. The last thing I smelled was her. It was Autumn, her favorite season, so she smelled like pumpkin spice, beautiful as always.
As I lost more and more blood I slowly lost my sense of touch. She was the last thing I felt. Her warmth, her shaky breaths, her tears. I deserved death for how much I made her cry.
I heard a lot of things in my final moments. I heard the paramedics pronounce me dead, I heard her screams, her sobs, and I heard him. Why did his voice have to be the last thing I heard?
"Don't worry," he said. "He's gone now, you're safe."
Why did he talk to her like she was a child?
A lifelong question of mine would finally be answered. What happens after you die. Some say peace and calmness, but I didn't feel that. I felt nothing, empty.
I waited for the inferno to open for me. With what I did I could never enter the pearly gates. But the Prince of Pride had something much worse in store for me, true hell.
There I was, in her room. I could see her, Mi amor, my world. She was sitting on her bed wrapped in her blanket. Then he walked in and handed her a glass of water.
No. Anything but this. God no.
God? Mi amor always prayed to him. Maybe if I joined her, listened to her, I'd be with her. Or I at least wouldn't have to watch her life play out with him.
Why can't death take me now. All the fires of hell would be a million times better than this.
But no, this is my fate, I have to watch.

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