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July 4/Friday

Rihanna Johnson/Apple/19

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Rihanna Johnson/Apple/19

Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center📍


1:04 PM

Turn my head to the screen Jordon seated. Should be excited to know that my child is healthy.

Yes, I'm grateful to know that. But this is my second appointment without Mari.

My brothers visit frequently on like him not even once. Our communication over the phone as become weak.

Every time I text him it's either one tick or just two.

See why me cyah like man.

Kiara should be at the house by now. She went to visit her family in Maimi last week. Jordon is always around. We left Kano and Tiffany back at the house.

It was uncomfortable at first when he just got here. " Would you like to know the gender?" shake my head " Not yet."

Look over on Jordon I ease up. " Okay, that's it for today we will reach out to you if anything" nod I wipe my belly.

After this I want to get my nails done. Kiara should do my hair today.

Speaking of hair, she's planning on opening a salon in Maimi. 

As the nurse walks out, I got up. " Weh we ago now?" pull down my shirt.

He got up from the chair " Ago do me nails" push the door so I could walk out. " Wah pick up Kano first" he states.

Now inside his car adjust my seatbelt. He drives off bite on my lip.

The car in silence as we drive back to the house. Remove my phone from my hoodie pocket. 

Your hoodie or Mari own?


Phone always on dnd. " Then nuh Kevin dat Rihanna" look up from my phone screen.

Look how him ago provoke the man now. Him and Kano daily routine.

Kevin spot the car already fanning it down. Kevin is a homeless man. Homeless but him chest high. 

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