Chapter 6

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When they got outside the apprentice den, Nightfur showed her the large rock where the apprentices brought their prey to eat and then headed inside to show her where she would sleep.

Just then a small cat with light colored fur bounded up to them, who Nightfur introduced as Brightpaw.

"Hi!" Said the gold pelted apprentice excitedly.

"Hello!" She replied in the same cheerful tone.

"Brightpaw, this is my new apprentice and your new training partner, Rainpaw" Introduced Nightfur "Though you would have known that if you were paying attention at the ceremony"

Brightpaw chuckled nervously "Sorry" She meowed

Nightfur turned away from the apprentice "Let's finish the tour and then tomorrow we'll hunt." She looked towards Ashpaw and Brightpaw "You two can come to"

"Ok" the three meowed before bounding off after their mentor.


When they finished the tour, Nightfur instructed them to grab a piece of prey from the fresh-kill pile and head back to the apprentice den.

"So how long have you two been in training?" She asked the others

"Not very long, i was only named this moon" Meowed Brightpaw

"I was named shortly before her" Replied Ashpaw

They reached the fresh-kill pile and she grabbed a small vole. She started to head back to the den, but Brightpaw stopped her.

"We have to bring something to the elders and queens first" She said with a squirrel in her jaws as she started to head towards the far end of the clearing.

So she turned around and darted after them, quickly reaching the gorse that formed where the elders stayed. She went up to a blue furred cat and ducked her head respectfully, as she was taught to do during the tour, before dropping the vole in front of her. The elder thanked her and began to munch hungrily on the prey. When she was sure the elder would say no more, she turned and left to distribute prey to the rest of the elders and queens.


"Finally," She moaned "I didn't know there was this many cats in the clan!" She walked over to the now mostly empty pile of fresh-kill. After nosing a few scrawny mice out of the way, she picked out a chaffinch and sat by the pile.

"It must be almost leaf-fall now" Commented Ashpaw, half to herself, as she picked up a mouse and sat beside her.

When Brightpaw picked out a pigeon from the pile they got up and walked back to the den. They sat by the rock and ate quietly, afterwards they padded into the den and to their nest.

She started to curl up, but all of the sudden a warm damp feeling on her side and hastily looked over to see Brightpaw licking her. She remembered that earlier Nightfur had mentioned something about 'sharing tongues' and that it was an important thing for growing closer with Clan-mates. So she sat up and started to gently lick Brightpaw's shoulder.

A/N: A short chapter this time, but next time I'll try to make it better!

Word count: 495

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