Chapter 5 (Rainpaw's POV)

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"I can still thank you for saving me from the bear and for offering to bring me to your camp." She responded

"Well, I suppose you can." He walked over to Nightfur and briefly nuzzled the side of her face before walking away.

She was about to get up and follow him when Nightfur gently nudged her flank, signaling her to follow. "Where are we going?" She said as she glanced towards where Storm was disappearing into a covered den.

"I'm going to show you around the camp" She meowed

She didn't respond, but followed her mentor as she bounded off towards 2 dens near the camp entrance.

"This is the apprentice's den, where you'll be staying until you become a warrior." She nodded towards the den on the left. "This is the camp entrance" She looked towards the hole in the wall of large brambles and vines where she had entered with Storm. "And this is the warriors' den, where I and other warriors stay." She said proudly, as she headed towards what she called the apprentice den

She stood there for a moment, looking around the area and spotted 3 cats walking her way. They sneered at her and stepped on her tail. She instinctively flattened her ears back, puffed her tail while spiking her spine fur and a low and long hiss emitted from her throat.

"Oh poor wittle kitty," The ginger cat said in a teasing tone "Did I step on your tail?"

The tom, who was an orange and white tabby similar to the one on his right, snickered but the gray she-cat just looked down at her paws.

She looked down at the ground, searching for a suitable retort. "Rustpaw, Maplepaw and Ashpaw" Said a voice from behind the three. She looked up to see Nightfur standing behind them, with her ears back and tail fluffed. "What are you doing?" Rainpaw took this as an opportunity to get away and quickly ran to sit beside her mentor.

The she-cat turned around first, still looking down at her paws. The two orange cats followed her action, but looked up at the bristling cat. "Well- we, uh.." The ginger started before the tabby broke in "We were just giving our new roommate a friendly greeting"

This time the she-cat was the one to look up at Nightfur "No they weren't..." She meowed hesitantly "Rustpaw stepped on her tail" She looked towards the cat next to her, who was scowling at her, before looking back down at her paws.

Her mentor glared a moment longer before softening her gaze, "You may go" The gray cat stood and the other started to follow, but Nightfur snapped "Just Ashpaw, you two follow me to see Whitefoot"

Rainpaw watched as she took the two toms into the warriors den, where she started talking to a gray tom cat with white feet, who she assumed was Whitefoot. "So, your name is Ashpaw right?" She started awkwardly.

"Yea..." She finally looked up "Do you know what it's like beyond the clan territories?" Her eyes suddenly filled with excitement and wonder.

"Like, what's beyond the forest?" She continued when Ashpaw nodded "Yes, but it's not a very fun place" Ashpaw tilted her head in confusion "It smells terrible, there's tons of long hardened rock-like paths that really hurt your paws, but these HUGE creatures run on them and the twolegs are awful. There's also barely any food except for crowfood and rats."

Ashpaw stared at her "You mean there's MORE than one Thunderpath?"

"What's a Thunderpath?" She meowed

"Thunderpath is a black strip that stinks REALLY bad and these big monsters run across it. Thunderpath also marks the border between Thunderclan and ours, Shado-" She got cut off as Nightfur returned to where they sat.

"Are you two making good friends?" She asked

"Yep!" She said as Ashpaw just gave a small "Mh-hm"

"Perfect, because I'll be taking you with me, Rainpaw and Brightpaw" She added "If you want, of course."

"Sure!" She looked excited to be away from the two tom cats.

"Yay!" She paused, "Wait who's Brightpaw?"

"Brightpaw is my other apprentice. You'll be training together till you become warriors" Then she padded off to the apprentice den.

A/N: This chapter is not the best, but I hope it will satisfy you for now.

Word count: 707

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