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The room was filled with heavy silence. The walls seemed to close in on Aina, suffocating her with a sense of despair. The dim lighting casts eerie shadows, adding to the weight of the atmosphere. Aina's heart ached as she sat alone, surrounded by memories that brought both descending pain.

Aina's heart felt heavy with a mix of sorrow and anguish. The weight of her emotions seemed to press down on her, making it hard to breathe. Each corner of the room is making her aware of her current situation that tugged at her heart, reminding her of the tragic events.  It was as if the pain had seeped into the very walls, enveloping her in its grip. Aina couldn't help but feel a deep ache, a sense of loss that seemed to echo through the room and resonate within her soul.

Aina sat on the edge of Dayim's bed or precisely their bed now, her red frock with light work on it was touching the floor, her body was slumped with weariness. Her legs dangled over the side, unable to find the strength to support her. With her shoulders hunched forward and her head bowed, she seemed almost defeated, as if the weight of the world rested upon her. Her hands rested limply on her lap, fingers intertwined, as she stared off into the distance, lost in her thoughts. It was a posture that spoke volumes of her exhaustion and the emotional burden she carried.

Her tears began to flow, tracing a path down her cheeks. Each tear carried with it a story of pain, sadness, and the weight of her emotions. Her body trembled with each sob, her shoulders shaking as she released the pent-up sorrow that had been building within her. The room filled with the sound of her quiet weeping, a symphony of vulnerability and raw emotion. In that moment, Aina allowed herself to be vulnerable, finding solace in the cathartic release of her tears.

Today was their Nikah, the wedding ceremony of Aina and Dayim.

The irony was that they were marrying each other for the second time. No one believed that they were already married, that their Nikah had already taken place. Whether it was by choice or not, it was hard for others to comprehend.

Theirs was a small function, held only among family members. It's intriguing how in ceremonies like these, everyone usually has vibrant faces, full of happiness. But today, gloominess was etched on their faces. Nobody could smile. It felt like everyone was just fulfilling their duty. The atmosphere was heavy with unspoken emotions and expectations.

There was a gentle knock on the door. Startled, she looked up to see Dayim standing in the doorway, concern was etched on his face. Without saying a word, Dayim quietly approached Aina and took a seat beside her. Aina used the back of her hands to wipe away her tears and tried to swallow her emotions. Dayim remained motionless, his face reflecting a solemn expression.

A few minutes passed, and Dayim could hear Aina's soft hiccups, which tugged at his heart. He turned towards her, his eyes filled with empathy. He felt a mix of sadness for both himself and Aina. Taking a deep breath, he gently wrapped his arms around her, offering comfort and support. Aina initially stiffened but gradually melted into his embrace. She found solace in burying her face in his shoulder, knowing that she wasn't alone in her pain. Dayim held her tightly, silently assuring her that he was there for her.

"I-I am feeling so alone," Aina whispered in a broken voice.

"I know exactly how you're feeling," Dayim replied, keeping his chin on top of her head.

"I feel an overwhelming emptiness inside me."

Dayim gently caressed her hair as she poured her heart out, offering her comfort and understanding in that vulnerable moment.

"The image of my mother's accusing eyes and the way everyone looked at me with disgust is etched in my mind. It's truly unbearable." She let out a sob.

"I know. It's like we're both trapped in this web of judgment." Dayim empathises softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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