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"I am fine, Nani Ammi." Aina said panting a little.

"But you don't look fine, Baccha. I am worried for you." Her Grandma said with a worried frown on her face. She caresses Aina's back and gives her a glass of water. "Drink it, you'll feel better."
(Baccha- Child)

Aina takes hold of the glass of water and comes out of the wash room in her room. She sits on her bed and sighs after drinking the water. She holds Grandma's hands and gives her an assuring squeeze .

"Nani Ammi, don't worry. It's just some normal dizziness and vomiting. Maybe I had some stale food which is the cause and that's not a big deal, I'll eat medicine and then I'll be fine." Aina tries to console her Grandma.

"But still you have to go to the Doctor."

Aina whines "Nani Ammi please, I am really not in the mood to go to any clinic, they'll make me even more sick."


Her Grandma was going to say something When her Grandfather came and cut her off.

"Don't worry, I had already called my friend's son who is in the Medical line. I had told him about Aina's condition and he said he'll come today and take Aina's blood samples, He said maybe it's because of Weakness or Anemia. He'll see to it."

"Nana Abbu, ap bhi. I am alright it's nothing just some weakness." Aina huffs as she says.
(Grandpa, you also.)

"You are my Gurya, I can't show negligence when it comes to you. I know you're fine but we won't be at peace until we know you are actually fine. And I i am seeing you're so careless when it comes to food, you don't take meals at time and don't eat properly."
(Gurya- Doll)

Aina heaves a sigh and nods her head. She knows they won't rest until they know she's actually fine.

The phlebotomist had came and took Aina's blood samples. Aina's Grandfather and Grandmother asked him about her condition and he removed all their worries.

"Is she alright or is there anything to worry about?" Her Grandfather asked him with worry.

"No, No there's nothing you need to worry about. It may be because of not taking proper meals or maybe because of low blood. We'll wait until the tests come then I'll further inform you. And yeah, gives her proper healthy food, juices and fresh fruits so that she'll soon regain her energy." The phlebotomist replied and gave them an assuring smile.

"Ok, thank you so much for coming." Aina's Grandfather said "By the way, when will the tests come?"

"By tomorrow the results will come, you can come and then consult to the doctor." The phlebotomist says.

Aina's Grandfather drops him to the door and further talks with him in the way.

"Now drink this juice and then you have to finish all the food." Her Grandma instructed.

"Nani Ammi, I am full now." Aina replies sulking.

"Be a good girl and don't make your Nani worry."

"I had just talked to Sana, she was feeling worried about her but I made her understood and told her not to worry. I had also informed her about the test results that they'll come till tomorrow, she told me that tomorrow she'll be accompanying her Bhabi to the hospital for her regular checkup, so she'll pick her test results and will talk to the doctor herself." Aina Grandpa enters her room and informs them about his conversation with Sana.

On hearing her Mother's name she remembered something, her eyes went wide as she remembered that tomorrow is Aabid's Birthday Celebration and she has to prepare his gifts as well.

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