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Over the next few days I'm called up to heaven to help out with some things with the elders. Once I'm finally done with my job and duties I decide to pop in and say hi to the others. I arrive outside the dorm and knock on the door it taking a minute only for me to see Jaehyun he giving me a curious look. "Oh hi. What brings you here?" I give him a little smile. "I was just released from my duties in heaven and thought I'd drop by." He nods then moves aside so I can come in. "Everyone else is out." I nod in understanding as he leads me to the couch I sitting down before turning to look at him. "So Jaehyun tell me about yourself." He smiles and starts talking about his hobbies and interests I commenting every now and then. I don't notice how late it's getting though until I check my phone and grimace. "I better head out." Jaehyun looks disappointed but says cheerfully. "Maybe I can have your number and we can keep in contact." My cheeks barely heat up but I nod handing my phone over to him he typing in his information. Once he's finished he hands it back to me and I smile assuring him I'll text him later then teleport away to my room at home where I change my clothes then start texting Jaehyun we staying up basically all night talking.

*a few days later*

Sitting in Oliver's office I go through yet another file only to let out a little sigh of frustration I looking up at the ceiling. Between my heavenly duties and working with Oliver I've barely had time to go home to rest or even talk to Jaehyun. "You alright there?" I look at Oliver with a frown. "Do you ever get tired of the constant work and expectations?" He raises an eyebrow at me. "What questioning your angel duties?" I scoff. "Of course not. It's just been a little tiring working constantly in heaven and then focusing on the afterlives of others." He hums before saying simply. "Let's take a break. We'll go see Joochan and the others." I nod a slight feeling of excitement popping up but I ignore it pushing it away. We both then teleport away to the company where Oliver knocks on the door waiting to hear a "come in" before we walk in greeting everyone. I go over to the corner like usual but am pleasantly surprised when Jaehyun comes over to me. "Hi!" I blink and greet him softly. "Hello." He smiles and asks gently. "How are you? I haven't heard from you in a couple of days." I let out a little sigh. "Sorry I've been busy with the elders in heaven and then I had to help Oliver and then I'm also juggling my two charges and looking after them." He nods looking sympathetic. "That's a lot to handle. Do you ever get a break?" I shake my head no giving him a fake smile. "An angels work is never done." He frowns then changes the subject. "Do you have any siblings?" I nod saying a little bitterly. "An older brother. He's seen as the perfect angel. He's so perfect he got a position as an elder despite being born." Jaehyun tilts his head at me. "Is he really seen as being that amazing?" I nod grumbling. "Yes. He created the whole afterlife judging system and all his charges have turned out to be amazing people. Everyone's proud of him and I'm just seen as the second born who will never be as good." His expression softens slightly. "I bet that's not true. I'm sure you're just as amazing as your brother. You work hard and make sure to balance everything despite being exhausted." I shake my head saying a little quietly. "I can barely handle two charges. Wyatt had five and every one of them turned out amazing and happy. My charges are rebellious, rude and hardly ever listen to my advice. I'm already on thin ice as it is because I stepped in to save someone despite them being destined to die." He frowns. "Wait so you saved someone and you got in trouble?" I nod pitifully. "She was thirteen and was supposed to die in a car accident with her family but I got her out of the car before it wrecked and broke out into flames." He gapes at me in disbelief. "That's not right. I think you saving her was really admirable." I shrug looking at him appreciatively. "Thanks but I'm still in trouble with the elders." He frowns and goes to say something when my angel senses start going off in alarm I frowning and say quickly. "I gotta go something's wrong." Before he can say anything I immediately disappear.

Our heaven (a Bong Jaehyun x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now