Chapter 10

202 11 2

Night 4

Kunikida: What do you mean you won't be with him tomorrow during the day!?

Dazai: Like I said I won't be with him during the day tomorrow. I already discussed it with the president and he said that he will be with Atsushi during the day and stay with him until Yosano arrives tomorrow night.

Kunikida: What is so important Dazai? Is it really that important that you are abandoning your extremely ill coworker?

Dazai: I'm not abandoning him I am going out because there's something I need to do for him.

Kunikida: If that's the case the you should be staying here and watching over him. If this is a way to get out of doing work it's disgraceful even for you.

Dazai: I'm not trying to get out of work.
Kunikida: Then what are you doing Dazai.

Dazai: I'll have the president fill you in. I wouldn't be doing this for no reason with Atsushi's condition. Please understand that.

Kunikida: Fine but don't get severely injured or else I'll have to kill you.

Dazai: No worries Kunikida. Besides I don't intend to die unless I have a beautiful woman willing to die with me.

Dazai walks out of the building. Kunikida sighed and went over to Atsushi's hospital bed where the young boy was comfortably sleeping. Kunikida held the boy's hand that didn't have the IV attached.

Kunikida: Atsushi please for the love of god never end up like Dazai.

*Meanwhile in the town*

Chuya: Where is he.
Dazai: Looking for someone Chuya?
Chuya: Ugh Dazai.

Dazai: What you don't seem excited to see me and here I am making sure that you would meet me here.

Chuya: Wait you're the one who messaged me that they had captured the were-tiger.

Dazai: Yep that was me.
Chuya: Asshole!

Dazai: Don't talk like you are the victim here. I heard what you did. You tried kidnapping an abused traumatized boy while he was sick.

Chuya: Yeah I don't see the problem considering the amount of money he's worth.

Dazai: That's where you are wrong Chuya. The problem is you tried stealing from me. I don't like when I hear that someone tried to steal from me especially when the person they tried to steal was too feverishly weakened to fight back.

Chuya: Oh really. What do you intend to do about it?

Dazai: Simple. You tried to steal from me and my other coworkers so I think it's only fair for you to pay for it in blood.

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