Chapter 9

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Day Shift
Day 4

After 4 days of the illness putting Atsushi through hell the Armed Detective Agency finally got a letter from Yosano that she had found the anti-toxin and will be returning tomorrow night. Dazai and Kunikida were both relieved at the fact that Atsushi only had 1 more day of this and then his illness will be cured.

After a night of difficult sleep Atsushi woke up to see Dazai sitting in the chair right next to him and he weakly smiled at the older man. Dazai smiled back and ran his fingers through Atsushi's hair.

Dazai: I've got good news Atsushi the doctor finally communicated with us and she'll be home tomorrow night.

Atsushi smiled again for this hell he has been enduring the last 4 days was nearly over. Dazai saw how happy Atsushi was and couldn't help but let his young coworker be happy due to how horrible the boy felt.

Dazai didn't get a lot of details from Kunikida about why Atsushi had a difficult sleep last night but due to Kunikida's facial expression Dazai had an idea of what happened.

Dazai: Are you feeling up to eating something Atsushi.

*Atsushi nodded*

Dazai then removed his hand from Atsushi's hair and headed towards the kitchen to prepare food for himself and Atsushi. After they finished eating Dazai noticed that Atsushi was drifting off about halfway through being fed but the boy stayed awake until the food was all in his stomach.

Dazai: Atsushi if you were tired you could have fell asleep.

Dazai looked at the boy who was a wake 1 minute and then fast asleep the next. Dazai sat down in the chair next to the hospital bed and watched Atsushi sleep peacefully which hasn't happened since he got sick.

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