Chapter 4

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Kunikida: Put the boy down!

Chuya: Yeah um not gonna happen. The Port Mafia has certain plans for this boy. Once he's better we'll put those plans into action.

Atsushi then began to weakly struggle out of Chuya's arms again. This time he was trying even harder and he over excreted himself. Result in a massive coughing fit and tears of pain streaming down his face.

Chuya: It's okay you don't have to get all worked up about some coughing.

Kunikida then shot Chuya in the leg. Chuya didn't see it coming and dropped Atsushi. Kunikida rushed over to the ill boy and caught him before he hit his head on the ground. Atsushi was still in shock and started panicking.

Chuya eventually left in defeat. Kunikida made sure Chuya was gone before turning all his attention over to the ill and distressed boy in his arms.

Kunikida: Shh it's okay. It's okay. He's gone now you're safe.

Atsushi: Could...nt.... I Co...Couldn't.... do an....any....any.....anything....I.....I''

Atsushi couldn't finish his sentence as he went into another terrible coughing fit. Kunikida kneeled down and held the ill boy up right in order for the boy to coughing out all of the gunk in his lungs.

Kunikida: Shh shhh. It's okay let it all out. Also you don't need to apologize for not being strong enough to defend yourself against Chuya. You are very ill right now Atsushi.

Eventually the coughing fit ended and Kunikida could feel the boy slowly going limp which made it clear to the older man that Atsushi was very exhausted.


Kunikida: It's okay kid I'm taking you back to the bed. I will also need to put the IV needle back into to you arm. Is that okay?

Atsushi nodded. Kunida then lifted to boy up and walked back to the hospital bed. Once Atsushi's body was on the bed he almost instantly fell asleep. Atsushi didn't even flinch when Kunikida put the IV back into the boy's arm.

Kunikida wasn't overly worried with the amount of things that happened to Atsushi that he was extremely exhausted. Kunikida then went back to grab the feeding syringe and began to feed the ill boy.

Once Kunikida finished feed Atsushi he got everything prepared for Dazai for the night shift and also typed up all of the details from today's encounter with Chuya.

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