Chapter 7

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As the days went Nihal and I really came on one point of give and take kind of friendship.  Not like proper one but I would help him like an actual friend I'm not into deeply explaining what that phase of our friendship was actually .

All these confusions and one day these confusions changed into care for him .
So what happened was
Nihal and his best friend aka the boy I tied rakhi were playing football and few chicks were chilling around doing absolutely nothing just like me .
One senior was also playing with them in the opposition , with lots of vocal fights and comments this casual teasing turned into very heated argument lead with lots of physical damage to Nihal's best friend now Nihal being a real friend jumped into the matter real quick and I witnessed how really a person can fight up for their friend finally all the staff came and lectured both the sides .
After recess I was called in the office as an responsible eye witness and their eyes straight forward looking for escape from this matter. 
I explained myself by being honest and that both the boys were aggressive (our senior and Nihal)
Our principal really pondered upon it and delayed the punishment I was happy atleast I did a good job .
In the last period we really thought everything was quiet but it really wasn't. The storm to Nihal's friendship was arriving. Our principal came and decided that Nihal and his best friend should be separated so that they could be disciplined I really thought it's bad to separate friendships like that's the biggest crime according to me .
They were so sad but they never complained about it , I was so shocked like dude you're being ruthless with these guys .
Well that moment I realized why am I being concerned let destiny look for this matter .
But but but .......
Things were really harsh to both of them and they saw me as their rescue
After almost half of our recess was over Nihal's best friend came to me and requested to write an apology letter to principal just to be together with his best friend
To which afcourse
" I agreed"
I wrote a beautiful letter with all the mannerisms and everything was ready .
They were so happy and the authorities agreed and gave them one last chance .
Afterall magic was all mine .
They were again sitting together tightly and had the same old laugh .
Sometimes beauty isnt all about what a person looks , but it is what impact they bring in the society. 
Romanticizing efforts are never a wrong thing . We should acknowledge the efforts and bind them with us forever .

Life was back to normal the same old faces , books , things everything was same but one rumor was very new to me and afcourse it was about Nihal .
I heard one of the girl talk about Nihal once smoked in the school premises and how much of a brat or more to say spoiled he is.
You know the Bad Boys kinda boy .
I never believed it even my bestie Bhumi never believed these rumors.
Bhumika and I we both really thought that Nihal was misunderstood by many but it's not his loss .
For instance he never cared what anyone else thought about him .
Kinda attitude issues

Misfortune never left me. I was really ill for now months and because of myself . I've always wanted a body everyone desired but I never became the one I'm  destined to be . I kept myself in harsh diets alot of control over my sugar cravings I was almost a gone case but what stopped me was Disha she always saw the best in me she really never appreciated but her one liners comment to make me feel confident were more than enough for me .
Also more with time I was becoming anti love person . I used to hate couples and this ideas of love very much . I would endeavour myself more into heartbroken albums and all that shit a teenager goes through .

This time always gives me shiver because was that really me or entity of perfectionism . Till now somewhere at some corner of my heart I deserve an apology I'm not being victim or playing any victims card but I've been through alot and what the worst part is at that time only a few knew that I was on the verge to give up everything I've work hard for
But everyone else just judged me and made me feel bad about my existence .
I'm not that open up to my mother , because I really think if she would indulge in my matters I'll make her worry for another reason . It was out of respect I  just followed what she commanded me because I'm her only reason afterall.

A teenager really needs a personal space to clear the guns in their heads , but all they hear from society is you're too young to have depression or anxiety . Sometimes it's our own people who make us feel worthless and more like a waste of time . It's very important to give teens their required time and love afterall they are emerging to be mentally strong . Here family friends play a very important role they can really help you through all the storms with their words and actions .

But now this world of mine was about to shake that I've never expected was about to happen..........

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