Chapter 5

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I woke up the next day and with utter excitement and sense of immense void inside me I got ready to meet sir for the last time . It was feeling like the world was ending . I got to my class and some students joked about how swollen I looked because all I did was to cry in night time . I dont care what others think of me well its contrary to the fact I was dieting so hard just to be like these girls and feel burden less slim like celebs on magazines .

Our classes began but my eyes were waiting for sir to come he came and called a boy who was monitor with me and afcourse he called me .
We both were actually sad at that point of life I thought boys also feel the same and this boy defines it so well.
Well his name is Nihal , tough strong and 6 feet guy , I've heard alot bad about him but sir really saw kinda potential in this boy .
We went to sir nd sir consoled me with his words comforting both of us . I'm really a possesive person, I really made sure more attention was to me not to him . Afterall sir adores me not him .
After almost 20 minutes of talk with smile and a bit tears because afterall I dont want to cry in front of anyone and a random boy from my class I would never . Sir really told me to keep going how I'm doing and he would forever help me in my life and would never leave my little hands in prescriptive of learning . He waved a good bye to both of us we were there for a moment sharing silence then processed towards our class . After doing normal classes the boy monitored because I wasn't in a mood to make the class silent when my inner voice was so loud . And with this the day ended just like another hard chapter I crossed .

After sir left the school I managed myself very well and tried making new friends , they found me really attractive while in my mind I was the most ugly girl present in that room . Girls would complement me randomly but then a tinge of "Oh you should loose some weight I guess".
Beauty really mattered to me at that point of time to me things went really good if i am good and beautiful which makes me laugh today . Just like other teens I also tried to fit so much in this beautified world well now I'm much more confident in who I'm and what I'm becoming in my life .
Life was getting normal again but what wasn't normal was I really lost myself in wounds , I made myself clear that I've to work upon myself but my health deteriorated and became worse.  I literally lost so much of weight that even for my mother I was unrecognizable. 
During this time I really collected myself to work and did my best as that's all I can do .
One day while working for  assembly for the school for Raksha bandhan a classmate of mine came and uttered a gossip about me . Wow dude you be hearing gossips about me really and then she started like "You know Prisha the boy there Nihal's best friend likes you alot we've seen in his eyes ."
Well then he really need to check his eye up who would love a girl like me . I was really laughing to this gossip like hell , my classmate paused and stared like you just wait and check the way he stares at you I really said " girl go and find some work please ". She was so determined to prove this.  And during our lecture I actually laughed a bit on dad jokes of our teacher and the scariest part of it was he was actually staring at me . I was like guy go and find some work please .
My Gossip girl came to me and said "see I really meant when I said he likes you damed ". I said then go and watch me bring him on the track I had the best plan I could think for but that needs few days to actually take place .

After literally five days of noticing the guys another trouble maker was in his way to get thrown out by me and you know how .
There was a guys I knew from 6th standard we were ex classmate from the school I came from but he left the school in 7th standard so I knew him ,but in this school we became kind of friends but more like a brother sister bond . He also used to board the same bus as we had the same route , but high school has something in them,how can a girl and boy peacefully talk to eachother they might be something more than friends no that's not my words but a guy in our class a random guy judging me never in life . I'm a girl who takes herself as her priority afterall this was about my dignity .
The day I came to know all this shit first I cried a bit in bus my stop was about to come , my senior saw me sobbing and came to me and said "Something is worrying you?"  "No" I replied . He said I've seen you struggling in this new atmosphere and this hell school may god give you strength tell me if you feel like sharing . That somehow gave me strength to confront the guys talking shit.

The next day was banger for me with full on rage I slammed the door of my class the guys who liked me and his best friend Nihal were at the last and I could see them being afraid of how I entered in the class . I called them to me and asked "have you seen Happy ?" ( the guy who actually talked this shit about my character ) . They said yeah he is in washroom I said ok then just inform me . That moment I really realized that I could take stand for myself which really inspired me myself wow amazing .
He came back to class and stood still I went to him and said " Do you even have sense and shame of what have you actually said for a girl". He went quiet and started apologizing me . The guy who liked me and his best friend Nihal reached out to me and the guys I was fighting with and they snatched the collar of his shirt and dragged him to floor and told him to say sorry to me as a sister.  I was impressed how they took stand for me but important was how took my own stand . 

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