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As Seungmin lay on the couch, his heart racing, he closed his eyes and tried to steady his breathing. The flashback was becoming more vivid with each passing moment. It was the same nightmare he'd had a hundred times before, playing out like a grotesque home movie in his mind. In the flashback, his father was once again beating his younger sister, the sound of his open palm connecting with her small frame echoing through the house. Blood splattered on the walls, and his sister's cries of pain were almost unbearable. Seungmin tried to stand up, to go to her aid, but his legs felt like jelly. He could only watch, helpless, as his father continued to inflict pain on his innocent sister.

Then, his father turned his attention to Seungmin, shoving him against the wall and towering over him. "And you, Seungmin," he spat, "what did you learn from all this?" Seungmin looked up at his father, tears streaming down his face, and tried to speak, but no words came out. "She shouldn't have failed her exams, should she?" his father demanded. "She should know how to maintain her grades at this age." The words cut deeper than any blow his father could have landed.

Seungmin stumbled into his room and leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath and compose himself. He glanced over at his sister's door, listening for any sound that might indicate she was still alive. But there was only silence. A chilling, ominous silence that made his skin crawl. He wished he could go to her, hold her, protect her from their monster of a father. But he couldn't. He was trapped, just like she was.

He heard the unmistakable sound of a knife being drawn from its sheath, and his heart stopped. There was no mistaking what was about to happen next. He closed his eyes, praying that he was wrong, that this was all just a terrible nightmare that he'd wake up from any moment now. But he knew better. He knew the truth. And as he listened to the sound of his sister's lifeblood being spilled on the floor, he felt a tear trickle down his cheek.

Hyunjin's voice broke through the haze in his mind. "Seungmin? Seungmin, what's wrong?" His boyfriend's concerned expression only served to make the tears flow faster. "Seungmin, you're scaring me. Please, talk to me."

Choking back a sob, Seungmin turned away from Hyunjin, not wanting his boyfriend to see the agony that was etched onto his face. "It's nothing," he lied, his voice barely audible. "It's just...a bad memory."

Hyunjin's arms wrapped around him, offering comfort and support. "Hey, it's okay," he whispered into Seungmin's ear. "It's okay to feel this way. I'm here for you, okay? You can tell me anything."

Seungmin didn't respond, but he didn't pull away either. He knew that he couldn't face this nightmare alone. Not anymore. He needed someone to lean on, someone to help him carry the weight of the memories that haunted him day and night. And for now, Hyunjin would have to do.

The room seemed to spin around him, and he felt himself growing increasingly dizzy. He knew that he couldn't keep this up, couldn't keep pretending that everything was okay when it so clearly wasn't. As much as he wanted to push Hyunjin away, to retreat into the darkness of his memories where no one could touch him, he found that he couldn't. Not anymore. Not when he had someone who cared about him, who loved him unconditionally.

Finally, he forced the words out, his voice raw with emotion. "Hyunjin...my sister...she's dead." The words hung in the air between them, heavy and ominous, like a shroud draped over their entire world.

Hyunjin's arms tightened around him, and he felt the other man's body shudder with a deep, ragged breath. He knew that this news would hit Hyunjin hard, but he couldn't help but feel some small measure of relief that he'd finally been able to share it. At least now, he didn't have to carry the burden alone.

As they sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, Seungmin couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be a day when the memories didn't hurt quite so much. A day when he could wake up and not feel the weight of his past pressing down on him like a thousand tons of concrete. But for now, he was content to have someone by his side, someone who understood the depths of his pain and was willing to share in it. And for that, he was grateful.

The silence stretched on for what felt like an eternity, but Seungmin didn't mind. He knew that they both needed this time to process the news, to come to terms with the reality of the situation. Eventually, though, he felt Hyunjin shift in his arms, and the other man's breath hitch in his throat. "What do you want to do?" he asked softly. "What do you need right now?"

It was a simple question, but it held the weight of the world behind it. Seungmin took a deep breath and tried to think. "I don't know," he admitted, his voice barely audible. "I don't know what I want to do." He paused, considering the matter further. "But I know that I don't want to be alone anymore."

Hyunjin nodded, his grip on Seungmin's shoulders tightening. "You never have to be alone again," he promised. "Not as long as I'm here." And with those words, Seungmin felt a small spark of hope ignite in his chest. A hope that, perhaps, someday they could find a way to put the past behind them and finally begin to heal.

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