Rules you must read before requesting!!!

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Hello there, welcome to my TOH Oneshots book!

Here, you can give me requests and I will make a chapter for it! As in this literally doesn't get updated unless you request something, so please request something!!!

Before you do so, I just need to go over some quick rules:

- You can make two requests per person (making alt accounts as a loop hole will result in your request being declined) and as much as I hate to say it, you can request ships that I don't necessarily like here because I want everyone to be happy (I hope you're happy Goldric and Boschlow shippers)

- If you see a request that has been declined due to what I was saying above, if you haven't submitted anything yet or haven't made two, then you can request it again but under your own name.
The original requester will also get credits too, but I will also mention that the original requester violated the rules

- No X Readers, I just don't know how to write any of those but if you want you as the reader to be one of the characters in a first person pov then sure

- No OCs, I do love learning the lore about people's OCs but I just want to make this easy for everyone to understand

- Please let it be between characters in a similar age range, so no adult x child or between characters that have a 3+ age gap

- No ships where the two characters are related, for example: No Luz x Camila, No Eda x Lilith and No Emperor Belos x Hunter (Why do these even exist? -_-)

- No smut or 18+ requests please, I want to make this a safe place for everyone

- No Amity x Male character or Lilith x anyone romantically, respect our favourite Gay panicky lesbian and Deadwardian Balluster obsessing Aroace

- It doesn't have to be about a ship, it can also be about a specific character or characters but you need to specify on the request

- Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Lime, AU, etc are allowed but you will need to be a bit more specific on how you want it written

- I can do age regression oneshots but I am in no way experienced with that kind of stuff and so I will need a lot of extra help by making the requests very clear on what you want

- Also if you do want age regression and you have specified who you want as a little and caregiver, if they have canonical or semi-canonical feelings for each other/dating, they will not be romantic in their oneshot. This is to make sure me and others don't feel uncomfortable because age regression isn't supposed to be more than platonic

- You can also request for headcanons that I can put before the chapter, these headcanons can be about anything relating to the oneshot

- Please be detailed about the request:

For example, Bad request: "Hunter x Willow"

Good request: "Hunter x Willow please where the two slowly build a better connection in the human realm"

If you go against this, the following will happen:

1) I will ask you to suggest a scenario you want

2) If you argue against doing this or say that I have to do it myself, I will threaten to decline your request

3) Proceding to argue will result in your request getting declined

4) Getting mad at me for this will result in you being banned from requesting anymore, and I will mute and block you to ensure it stays that way

- No Ship bashing in the comments, please keep shipping opinions to yourself. If you find a request that has a ship that you don't necessarily like, don't comment otherwise your request may be declined

- I will obviously credit the person who requests at the top of their chapter

- If I love the idea so much, I can make it into a singular book too! (with your consent obviously)

So yeah, please request as much as you want!!!

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