23 - Do you like her?

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You were going to leave after two days since you will first go back to your house then help in some work and to fix all the mess before going back to Korea.

Right now you were in the car going back home with your family, those earrings were in your fist you just couldn't seem to remove your thoughts from your mind. Your mind was taking you back to him again and again.

Fighting with the urge to think about this whole scenario you kept those earrings in your bag and sighed loudly, closing your eyes.

You guys reached home at night, everyone got settled in their rooms as well as you. You took your cup of tea before walking towards the balcony and leaning against it looking at the night sky.

You couldn't help but to think about the wedding, your mind kept drifting towards your and Jimin's chit chat, how much fun you had during the joota chupai or mehendi or any other ritual.

How he always kept you entertained just by annoying you to him being the one who has comforted you at the end of the day.

Your lips curve into a slight smile thinking about all that, suddenly everything starts to feel empty around you, you could say maybe it was because your sister isn't here or because Jimin isn't here. You yourself don't know.

Shaking your head, you remove those thoughts away and go to bed quickly.

It didn't take much longer for these two days to pass quickly. It was seven in the morning and you were checking all your stuff and your parents were busy helping you out.

“Ok maa, it's time” hugging both of your parents you sit in the car, raghav's gonna drop you at the airport.

The scenario was the same as before but the feelings were different. When you first went to korea you were nervous, you were happy but right now, you are more happy than you ever thought you would be.

You were excited to go back there. These feelings were unusual for you too but it's ok as long as you feel happy. The moment you stepped out of the car when your destination came..

Raghav gives you a tight hug before saying, “say hello to jimin from my side and to uncle aunty too” you Chuckle and nod before taking your luggage. “Also, don't think of getting an advantage in work thinking if he's your childhood best friend

You looked at your brother in disbelief, “c’mon, first of all i work with full honesty second he wasn't my childhood best friends, we were just casual friends” your brother nod before Patting your head.
“Sure sure, anyways go now, or you'll be late”


The place which used to feel like an unfamiliar building with bricks and woods is starting to feel home to you, so when you came back here it felt nice instead of some unfamiliar place.

You went to sleep real quick since you’ll be continuing to go to work from tomorrow and that was the thought which made you nervous. Why? As if you yourself know about it..

The next morning, you got ready for work Annie met you at the bus station, she hugged you as soon as she saw you, making you flustered.  “I missed you” she says as you laugh before patting her shoulder.

It's ok, it's ok” you guys reached your office building and went in, many of your colleagues greeted you as you got settled in your workplace.

Y/n, you were on leave because of your sister's wedding, but you know something weird, Mr park didn't come to work too on those particular days” Annie says, taking a seat beside you.
You looked at her and just cleared your throat, of course they didn't know about him being the son of my father's friend. So complicated….

“He came back two days ago” you nod, trying to keep a neutral expression. “Could be some personal work” saying this you just shrug before focusing on your work.

Shrugging your shoulders you went back to work.

Your day went as usual like before, when you reached home your mom called you, “yes maa, i just reached home”” you said sitting on the couch. “Did you give that box to Jimin and gia?” She asked as you mentally facepalmed yourself.

I'll give it just now” saying that you cut the call and run upstairs to get that box, it was specially made for the kids, cousins and all, and since we’re pretty close so mom made two for Gia and Jimin too.

Taking both boxes in your hand you were about to go down but then you remembered those earrings, you thought to ask him about it and thank him too.

Smiling to yourself you went to his home before ringing the bell, you waited for him to open the door, and soon enough the door was opened by Jimin in his casual clothes.

You never felt this nervous while talking with him and now even having a thought of him makes your heart beat like crazy.

“Welcome miss dancer, you came soon then i expected” he says with a smile as you couldn't help but to smile to “my boss said he won't give me extra holidays so i had to” he Chuckles nodding his head. ”By the way,mom asked me to give you this , this is for gia and this one's for you “

He took the boxes, “she didn't have to chuckles, anyways say thank you from our side” you nod as you looked up slightly only to meet his eyes, which did something to you.

All the guts you had to ask him about those earrings went away as you hid the bill in your fists.

“Ok then, bye” you say “bye” with that you went back home as he closed the door before coming inside with a wide smile on his face.

He suddenly remembered two days ago when he came home from the wedding he and Gia were goin through some photos during the wedding day and realized that most of the pictures are of y/n, and that too was shown by his sister.

“Why is there only y/n in the picture? The bride was there too. You were supposed to capture her, me…riya or anyone else” gia whined but then her expressions changed into a grin…

“What's going on my little brother?” She asked, keeping a hand on his shoulder looking straight at him, “w..what…nothing is going on, and everyone was clicking pictures that day it must be the angle”  he said moving his shoulder away causing gia to chuckle seeing his brother's flustered face.

Really?, it seems you were distracted “ she smiled cheekily to which he just flicked her forehead “just look at the pictures” she laughed keeping her focus on the phone while he sighed.

*The next day*

He was working in his office, when he suddenly remembered all those conversations of his with his sister, which made him stop working.

He sits straight thinking deep into all that, he decides to call Erik…”there's a question” he says getting up as Erik nods asking him to go on. “how do….. someone knows that ... .that someone likes someone “ Erik looks at him weirdly clearly not expecting him to ask this type of question.

“Mr. Park, are you seriously asking this?” He asks, Jimin looks up at him and then shakes his head, “nevermind, go back” he moves his hand asking him to go out.

Erik just nodded slightly and turned around to leave, but stopped and moved towards Jimin before whispering.

“Is that someone you Mr. Park?” Jimin glared at him as he cleared his throat before running outside with the speed of light.

Jimin stood in a straight line before taking out his phone..
He opens the search engine before typing..
“How do you know that you like someone?” He searched but then removed it

“How do you know if someone likes you?” Removing that too, he typed again “can you like someone with whom you fight a lot?”

Shaking his head he removed that too…”how do I know if i like someone?” Sighing loudly he threw his phone aside, shaking his head as he took his seat, leaning back.

I'm surely going insane….”

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