chapter six: training.

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I wake up next to Billy still being asleep, i walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face. I then feel billy grab my hips and spin me around.

"you scared me, you were asleep two seconds ago." I say with a giggle.

"i'm going to train and then to see Leila, the fight is in a few days. I'm going to be busy." Billy says.

"okay, i love you." I say.

Billy kisses my cheek and then walks out, i then put my uniform on for work. I then head off to work for a few hours.

I then come back and put my money in a big jar to save up. I then start making dinner. Then Billy comes home. Billy gets straight in the shower because he's just finished training.

I get confused because he didn't say anything or even give me a kiss, he just walked straight past me and got in the shower. I didn't think too much of it though.

"Billy, do you want dinner now or later?" I ask through the bathroom door.

"now." Billy keeps it short.

I furrow my eyebrows and then put his plate on the table. He then comes out in a towel and sits down at the table and starts eating.

"hey, you okay?" I ask, putting my hand on his wet shoulder.

"you went to see Leila without me?" Billy asks.

"oh, i'm sorry. I just-." I say.

"i'm her father, you could've at least told me you was going to see her." Billy says.

"Yeah, your right. I'm sorry but-." I start.

"No buts, it's fucking wrong!" Billy raises his voice.

"I fucking got her to be okay with the fact your fighting, i got her to hug me. She said she's glad you met me! She fucking wants to live with us in a big house, i did you a million fucking favours in that one sitting!" I shout.

I then slam my plate down on the table and walk into my room and slam the door. I then sit on the edge of my bed with my hands in my hair. I then hear my bedroom door open. I don't even look up.

"hey, i'm sorry." Billy says.

"leave me alone for now." I say.

"Hey, Babe. Come here." Billy says, kneeling in front of me.

He pulls my hands from out of my hair and lifts my chin up. I let out a big sigh and get on the floor with him and hug him.

"i'm sorry." Billy says.

"i only tried to make things better." I say.

"and you did, thank you." Billy says.

I then pull my head off his shoulder and look at him. We both smile and then he gives me a big kiss. We then go back into the living room and sit at the table and eat out dinner and talk.


Billy's fight is tomorrow and i've never seen him train so hard. I'm so proud of him but i'm also scared to death. I love him so much and I don't want to see him get hurt.

This is why i hate boxing and fights because I don't like seeing people get hurt. It's for money but I still don't like it. It's like getting stabbed for money.

But it's his desicion and I will always respect his decision. He's currently at the gym training so I decide to go down and watch him.

I sit on the bench at the gym watching him train, he makes the grunting noises as he hits the punching bag. He then starts doing lots of different types of workouts. He then finishes up, i pass him his drink and he goes to kiss me but I move away.

"you're all sweaty." I say.

"i don't care." Billy says.

He laughs and then pulls me into a massive hug rubbing his sweaty body on me.

"ewww." I say trying to pull away.

There was no point in me trying to pull away because he's stronger than me and always will be. He then gets off me and I run to the car before he can do it again.

We then both get in the car and drive back to the apartment. We get in and I get in the shower straight away. Then the bathroom door opens and he gets in the shower with me, we then end up making out. Then that leads to sex..

Me and Billy then get out of the shower, I wrap a towel around me and he wraps one around his waist. We then get changed and get in bed, we both need a good night sleep for his fight.

help you- Billy Hope❣️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu