chapter two: apartment.

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I wake up the next morning, i keep thinking about Billy. He looked so upset, i feel bad for him. I mean he has just lost the love of his life. I also can't stop thinking about how good he looked.

Why did he defend me? He doesn't even know me.

I then walk down the street, i'm always out because i have nothing to do. I live by myself in my apartment. I try get out the apartment as much as I can.

"shit, sorry." I say as I bump into someone, i was too into my thoughts.

"it's okay." Another women says.

I smile at her as I help her put her stuff back into her bag. I then smile at her before I walk into the coffee shop.

I then order my coffee and sit down at a table, i then sip my coffee as I scroll through my phone. I finish my drink and then walk out of the cafe. I then see Billy walking into a gym.

"Hey Billy!" I say running over to him.

"oh, hey." Billy says, turning to me.

"are you okay? What the hell? What happened to your face?" I ask seeing his busted up face.

"Car accident, they took my daughter." Billy says.

"Billy, i'm so sorry. For everything, we need to clean your face up, that cuts still bleeding. Come on." I say.

"no, it's fine." Billy says.

"I insist. Please." I say.

Billy then gives in and follows me into the gym, i then get the first aid kit out the back. I've been coming to this gym for ages, i know where everything is.

"sit down there." I say.

He then sits down on the bench, i then pull out the alcohol to put on the cut.

"it's going to sting a bit, but your a boxer so i bet it won't be the worst feeling ever." I say with a little giggle.

"why are you helping me?" Billy asks.

"you've been going through a lot billy, the least i could do is clean your cut. You saved me last night, i'm repaying you." I say and he smiles.

I then put the alcohol on the tissue and on the cut, he takes a deep breath as I clean it.

"they took me out of my house." Billy says.

"shit, i'm sorry. Where are you going to stay?" I ask.

"i don't know, i might rent a room in someone's house." Billy says, putting his head in his hands.

"you could stay at my apartment? It's not big but you don't have to pay rent." I say.

"Really?" Billy asks.

"yeah, for sure. I can't just let you go live with a stranger Billy." I say.

"We barely know each other." Billy says.

"so what, we can get to know each other more." I say with a smirk.

"your asking me out?" Billy asks.

"i mean, what if i am?" I ask.

"uh- I, I can't, not at the minute. I need to get my daughter back and I'm going through a lot of shit right now." Billy says.

"yeah, of course- sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." I say, walking away.

"wait, it's fine. Come back." Billy says.

"Blossom apartment building around the corner, apartment 127. Spare keys." I say, throwing him the keys and then getting the hell out of there.


It has been about an hour after I got rejected by Billy. I am so embarrassed, and now he's going to be living with me. It's fine living with him, but I can live with the rejection.

I sit down at a wall after working out, i run my fingers through my hair stressed out. I have to go home at some point, i'm going to have to face him. I might aswel get it over with and act like i don't care.

I then walk around the corner to my apartment building, i then walk into my apartment to see Billy asleep on the couch. I cover him over with a blanket and then get in the shower and then get in bed.

help you- Billy Hope❣️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora