Silver Butterflies

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(Continuation from "The Big 3 Groupchat {3}")

Lan Wangji woke up at five o'clock sharp... just to find that the left side of his bed was empty. He immediately jumped up, pulled on his outer robes, grabbed Bichen, and flew out of the Jingshi to see pitch darkness.

Despite the sun having not rose yet, this was a completely different darkness. Everything was literally black, and he saw nothing in sight, and was extremely perplexed. Beginning to panic, he thought about the worst-case scenarios of Wei Ying being injured, possessed, knocked unconscious, or-

"Lan Zhan!" A warm voice's shout brought relief to his senses, and it was an instinct for him to follow the sound.

"Wei Ying, where are you?" Lan Wangji questioned, with a hint of urgency in his voice.

"Follow the silver butterflies!"

Lan Wangji couldn't see anything, but a faint glimmer in the distance. He flew towards it, and everything started to brighten, until a swirling portal appeared infront of him. He then unsheathed Bichen as he was teleported to... a peaceful garden.

"Lan Zhan! I'm so sorry I left without you!" Wei Ying raced towards his husband and hugged him tight.

"Wei Ying, are you injured? What happened? Where are we?" Lan Wangji pulled away to check for wounds.

"Haha! Lan Zhan! We're finally meeting the people in the group chat!" Wei Ying beamed as he held his husband's hand and lead him deeper into the garden.

"Took you long enough." A rich and powerful voice commented.

"Wei Ying! Lan Wangji! Welcome to San Lang and my humble abode!" Xie Lian smiled politely. He was dressed in white robes, with many bandages snaking around him like a protective barrier. Adding onto that, silver butterflies gently flew by his golden eyes. Hua Cheng possessively stood behind him like his shadow, acting like a bodyguard who took care of their charge like their lives depended on it. Hua Cheng was not in his ghost form, but instead in the youthful appearance of San Lang, as he did not want to expose himself infront of these strangers... yet.

"Xie-Xiong! Your dimension is so beautiful!" Wei Ying complimented. It indeed was. With the natural flowers that bloomed amongst the trees, and the medium sized cottage that stood in the middle of two weeping willows was enchanting. It was a rather clear day as well, with only one or two fluffy white clouds floating here and there.

"Binghe! Since when were you into butterflies?" A posh and clipped voice demanded.

"Shizun! Please forgive me! I didn't know that the butterflies would lead us here!" A wimpy Luo Binghe pleaded for forgiveness.

"Is that... the participants of the group chat?" Shen Qingqiu halted in his tracks as he spotted the cottage, with four people standing infront of the door.

"Shizun! Stay back, I'll protect you!" Luo Binghe unsheathed Zheng Yang and stood infront of Shen Qingqiu protectively.

"Is that Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu?" Wei Ying pointed to the two figures a few meters behind them, then whispered in Lan Wangji's ear, "Shen Qingqiu reminds me of Huaisang."

"Hello Luo-Xiong and Shen-Xiong!" Xie Lian waved them over.

"Is this your dimension?" Shen Qingqiu gently nudged Luo Binghe aside and fanned himself.

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