38. Crazy italian guys

Start from the beginning

We all agreed upon that and settled on our places. Aaron started a movie and all of us watched it while munching on the snacks that Riri and Aaron brought. The movie was about some girl who started a revolution in her school against the discrimination about girls. It was kinda funny and very much inspiring. In the middle of the movie a knock resonated through the house.

At the same time my phone chimed, I sat up straight in alert. My hand was in mid air about to unlock the phone. With shaky hands I picked up my phone and sure there was a photo of me from half an hour ago. 

I was looking at the board while Coco was on my left and and Aaron and Riri had just entered the house. I didn't even know that I had tears running down my cheeks until Coco sat down beside me, wiped them off and pulled me in a bone crushing hug. 

I let it all out.

I let the tears silently flow as I hugged my best friend for my dear life.Neither of us said anything. We didn't need to.

The company of one other's arms and the cocoon of safety and familiarity wrapped around us calmed my mind in which a raging storm was brewing. I sniffled for the last time and got out her arms. I looked over towards the other two and both of them were on either side of me.

Riri on my right and Aaron sitting beside Coco with his hand comfortingly stroking my hair. All of us sat for a few seconds in silence, the sound of our breathing was the only audible thing in the room. 

"Who was at the door?", Coco said suddenly pulling away from us. Then I too remembered that someone was at the door before I got the picture. 

"Oh it was just the pizza delivery guy", Aaron replied while opening the box of pizza.

There was a piece of paper inside it, Riri took it out and read it. Whatever was written inside it must have been shocking judging by the reaction of her.

She brought a hand to her mouth and gasped aloud. I hastily looked over her shoulders to read what it was.

Not all you see is real, I am the one you should fear.

- Your death.  

There is a moment where you could no longer feel your surroundings, the touch seems unfamiliar, your contact with reality lessens every passing second. The drum of your heart is too loud for you to hear anything else. 

First black dots appear in front of your eyes, everything appears foggy and misty. Then the darkness appears. Covering your eyes and mind. Shutting off your senses. Goosebumps marres your skin and c old sweat breaks out through your skin.

Then everything is black.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


It was now friday. I had tutoring classes with Mr. Rizzo after the classes. I actually took his advice on getting tutoring for science. I mean yeah I could have tried harder and all that but I know that getting some help would be nice. As much as I want to just go home and study in the sanctuary of my home I know that I have to study and prove to myself that all the hard work was worth it.

It was now the last period, the bell rang signaling the end of last period. I slung my bag over my shoulders and went towards Mr. Rizzo's class. When I knocked on the door, a deep voice called from within, "Come in".

I opened the door, he was sitting on his chair behind the desk. A pair of reading glasses rested on his nose, his eyes totally on the laptop in front of him. His long fingers typing and writing in his book. 

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