Partner in Crime

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"I told you this isn't going to work! Putting her in the maze will be a mistake." A man's voice rang through my head.

Everything was dark, I couldn't see anything. But I could hear faint voices.

A woman's voice spoke up "she's the smartest one we have. She will find a way out and when she does, phase 2 will begin."

I heard a different voice but it seemed very familiar "We just need to send Thomas up and then our plan can go into action. As Doctor Paige said, I am the smartest subject here. Just think, the smartest and the bravest working together, it cannot fail."

"But what if it does? What if you don't realise the patterns." The man seemed to get more erratic

"I will."

"And if you don't?"

"We send subject A1 up into the maze."


I woke up in my hammock, breathing heavily and sweat dripping down my forehead. What was that? Was it a memory?

Slowly, I got out of bed and decided to have a walk around the glade to clear my head.

After a few minutes, I felt someone's eyes staring holes into the back of my head. I tried ignoring it at first but then I turned around to see Minho sat up on the watch tower looking down on me.

When he noticed I was looking, he turned away and pretended he wasn't staring, but I wasn't stupid.

I walked over and climbed up the ladder, sitting down beside him.

"Hey shebean." He didn't look at me and kept his eyes on the maze doors. I knew runners were supposed to be up early but this seemed a bit... too early.

"Why are you up so early?"

He sighed "Couldn't sleep. I've got a lot on my mind," he turned to look at me, "what about you?"

I sat for a moment wondering if I should tell him. "Just had a weird dream and needed to clear my head." We sat in silence for a minute before he spoke up again

We sat there talking for around half an hour and I learnt a lot more about him. His favourite colour was sky blue, he was one of the first in the glade and, as suspected, is obsessed with his hair gel.

Soon after, he had to go and run the maze. I waved goodbye to him and watched him disappear past the maze walls. A few minutes later, a few gladers started waking up and, one by one, more started walking towards the kitchen for breakfast. I got up from my comfortable spot on the tower and climbed down, hoping I wasn't late and there would still be some food left.

When I reached the kitchen, I wasn't surprised to see the huge queue lining up. Luckily though, Newt and Chuck beckoned me over to their table where they already had a plate of food for me.

I sat down next to Chuck and in front of Newt and thanked them before digging in. The plate was filled with bacon, eggs and a slice of toast. It really was delicious.

After I had finished my food, I cleared my throat and turned to Newt. "So what jobs am I going to try today?"

"This morning, you're going to be a trackhoe with me and we'll see how you get out. This afternoon me and Alby agreed you should try as a medjack as Clint and Jeff need some help tidying things away"

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