Emeer smiled . Jennie said with objection

- No, vaiya. She is still not enough aged to handle her own family. She will complete her education then you will look for someone. My nephew is so beautiful, MashAllah. And Vabhi and you grew her up with all good morals. So no need to do hurry.
-You shut up, Jennie. Now she will study at university, will meet with different kinds of people, will become friend with males. What if the historic repeat again? Have you forgotten what happened with Tithi?

Mehreema felt a knife goes through her heart after hearing her grandmother's word. She is not understanding how can her own grandmother think like this about her. Jennie objected angrily

-Ammu, what's with this kind of thought. Tithi apu's incident was an accident. She was a victim. And our Mehreema is not that type of girl.

Ayesha grabbed  Jennie's should and said

- Leave it Jennie. She is concern about her grandchild so she is giving us advice. Don't talk with her like this

Jennie stopped her while saying

-Vabhi please, now don’t say you are ready for her marriage.

Mrs. Sourob said

- She is her mother. She knows what will good for her daughter. Ayesha don’t listen her lecture. You should look for a decent guy for my Mehreema
-Amma, let her complete her admission then we will. She have finished her exams yesterday and she is not expert on household works yet. I will teach her everything then it will be best.
-Okey! That’s so fine. Arisha, bring my hot water bag at my room. My waist is having pain again. Fatima take me to my room.

Fatima nodded and went with her grandmother. Mehreema asked her mother confusingly

-Ammu? You want me to get married this early
-No! Your granny won't stop arguing if i hadn’t agree with her. Argue is not any solution of any discussion. Sometimes it’s better to accept opponent's proposal and work as the way the work supposed to be done.

Emeer smiled proudly and said

-Indeed my patient woman.

Arisha made a wow face and said

- I see! So i wonder why you agreed.

Jennie said

- Vabhi, don’t take her words seriously. She has become old and her brain is also not working like before.
-She is not always wrong. She is our elder so we should atleast listen her what she wanted to say. Mehreema you go and take shower. Zuhr prayer's time is going out.

Mehreema nodded and left. Arisha went to her mother-in-law's room and gave her the water bag.


After Magreeb prayer, Jennie checked on Ayaan.

-Vabhi, Don't worry. He is fine now. It will take few more days to recover fully. But don’t take stress. Our Ayaan is so strong.
-Alhamdulillah. Sukr Alhamdulillah.

Emeer showed up in the room from nowhere. He was dressed up weirdly.Usually he wears trouser and t-shirt or lose Shirt or short kurta and when goes out he definitely dressed up his with suits or jeans and shirt. But tonight he dressed up like young boy. He was wearing black leather jacket, skinny jeans with combat boots. Ayesha narrowed her eyebrows and asked

-Why did you dress up like this? Are you going anywhere?

Suddenly Mahir popped up with similar kind of dress. This time Arisha became confused.

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