24 ➵ solution

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I revered backwards. A hand was clasping my leg, their nails digging into my skin/ Zach. I thought, I stupidly assumed he got out. I should have known. I crouched down, peering over the edge. I wanted to scream for Owen to help me, but he was handling Claire. I had my back turned to the most dangerous animal that ever walked the planet, but I didn't care. Couldn't. My brain was on overdrive. I thrust my arms out, grabbing his shoulders. His free hand wrapped around my torso. I pulled and he pushed, working in unison, until he was over the side, on the ground. I pulled him close to me, sobbing into his shirt.

How could I have been so stupid?

Zach's hands wrapped around my waist, gritting my hips hard, bringing me into him. I would have stayed there, me holding him, him holding me, but every moment we have spent together has been temporary. And the ravenous tyrannosaurus was making damn sure that statement stated true.

I turned to face it. If I was going to die, right here, right now, I wasn't going down without a fight; I wasn't going to stop. I was prepared for anything, or so I thought. I wasn't prepared for headlights coming from a truck to distract the dino. I wasn't prepared for the truck to advance when the dino took after it. I definitely wasn't prepared for the truck to actually catch the T-rex off balance.

I got up, ready to run if anything were to happen. The T-rex had all of its attention on the taunting truck. This would have been the perfect chance to escape, but we had nowhere to go. Zach and I ran to where Gray and Victoria were huddling. I could see Owen holding Claire on the other side.

The truck rammed into the dinosaur, knocking its legs out from beneath it. The T-rex fell, hard, sending a crack ripping through the air. We covered our ears, watching terrified as the dino threatened to get back up. The truck back up all the way to the edge of the bridge before flooring the gas. The tyrannosaurus roared, opening its mouth wide. The truck hit its legs, over and over until the bridge couldn't take it anymore. The bridge's wire gave way, sending the dino tumbling over the chasm. It let out it's final ear splitting groan before falling.

I didn't get up, didn't move, too afraid that this was a trick, another illusion curtesy of Isla Nublar. Beside me, Zach slowly got to his feet, carrying me with him. His hand never left mine. I grabbed onto Gray just as the mystery driven got out of the truck.

"Barry...?" Gray mumbled. I heard Victoria sobbing. Owen walked up to Barry, Claire in his arms, looking him in the eyes. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but it sounded like a thank you. I walked over to them, somewhat in a daze. I was exhausted. I pretty much haven't slept in the past two days, and laying in the back seat of this mega nine-seater sounded like the closest thing to Heaven I could get right now.

Without saying a word, I open the back door, sliding into the back seat. Zach side in after me, Victoria and Grey taking the middle seats, Owen in the front, holding Claire. I rested my head in Zach's lap. I felt his finger go straight for my hair, calming me down. The truck started up just as my eyelids felt heavier than ever. I yawned and fell asleep with Zach's hands caressing my head.


I don't remember when I actually woke up, but I do remember feeling Zach's hands leaving my head, running along my neck and softly making their way past my lower back to rest on my hips. His presence was comforting.

And so was the sound of seagulls. Seagulls meant water, watered by sea, sea meant ships and ships meant a way of this island.

I bolted upright and straight out of Zach's arms. I squinted my eyes, looking out the tinted windows. The bright morning sun of Isla Nublar illuminated the inside of the truck, highlighting the sea. We were at the ferry landing docks.

Illusion ➵ Zach MitchellOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz