Chapter 28

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Lies. Lies. Lies.

It had been a continuous chain of negative emotions, including denial of the truth about me.

Traitor. Traitor. Traitor.

And soon, I'd come to accept it, since he's right.

The only source I could get the news was from him.

My stomach had been grumbling for at least a day, my throat had been burning ever since I regained consciousness. I couldn't bring myself to eat no matter what. It was as if my body didn't want me to keep on surviving. I'd lost the appetite to eat long ago because of an issue.

It wasn't because of how uncomfortable I felt after getting my clothes changed by an unknown person while I'm unconscious.

It wasn't because the escape attempt failed. An attempt that had successfully got me out of my cell for the longest time ever. We were extremely close to escaping, but fate decided that day will not be the day I escape.

It wasn't the fact that my own biological father and brother made me into an experimental subject, and my brother hurting me on countless occasions.

And it was certainly not the fact that my mother had sold me into a facility to be used in human experimentations.

It was supposed to be hurting, as a daughter, but it didn't hurt as much as I'd expected it to be.

It was because of the fact that I'd lost my power after I woke up.

After I woke up from the dose, I felt extreme nausea.

I could only see and not hear since the ringing by my ears covered everything around me. I only noticed the workers arriving to write a report and some peeking from the window to observe my conditions.

I didn't even realize that Kaysen was in the observation room until he opened the door to leave.

I only recovered from not being able to hear a while ago. I couldn't estimate how long I'd been deaf, but I assumed that it had been hours.

When I first woke up, despite the nausea and my inability in hearing, my first thought was to attempt another escape again.

But whenever I tried to use my powers again, nothing moved. The entire place was silent and everything retained its position. Before giving up, I had tried over and over again in order to look for a way to use my powers.

I was in shock and denial then.

Usually, nature would react based on my emotions. But I was shaking immensely then, I was sweating and I could feel my heart hammering against my chest. And nothing moved.

It was as if my influence had vanished for good.

For a moment, I realized that without my inhuman abilities, I'm nothing special when compared to a normal human being. I am back to being a human like what I'd hoped after I became that creature.

But after a while of happiness and an internal celebration with myself, I realized that I am still in their territory as an experimental subject. Not only am I still locked in here, I'd lost what they'd given me and what kept me alive in here.

I knew for sure that the workers including the captain are bound to protect me since I am a subject who had survived the drug they'd injected into my blood. I'm not certain how lucky I was but the most memorable moment when I first woke up was when the worker watching me shouted in surprise. The shocked expression evolved in the workers and scientists had elucidated how lucky I was to survive the experiment.

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