Chapter 4

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I was sitting on the shallow part of the sea by the beach, watching the dark blue clouds from afar as flashes of lightning waved around the clouds.

The waves brushing and pulling away from my limbs gently, the warm seawater soaking up my clothes.

Admiring the sky at the beach is one of the finest moments in my life. Though I'd always visited the beach, I felt like I would only go on rare occasions.

This is what the afterlife is, I presume, being in your favorite place for what seems like eternal life. The sad thing is the fact that I couldn't spend this time with anyone as I'm alone at the beach, and no one else seemed to have appeared, not even my mother whose condition is vague to me after the incident.

I focused on the dancing waves from a distance as it began turning into one huge wave.

I laid my body back and allowed the warm seawater to pour on me.

When the waves arrived at the shore, it dived downwards onto land and splashed on my body. It was a vigorous one which almost threw me off my position.

I pushed myself to my feet promptly and stepped forward, approaching the deeper region.

It has never been like this before, the waves aren't normally gentle. This will only happen when something is disturbing its nature.

Then, I sensed the ground vibrating under my feet slightly the further I walked. But I didn't stop there, I moved till the water rose till my neck level, which made me realize that there's an earthquake in the sea.

The water rose higher and higher, the waves waltzed into a spiral. Suddenly, the peacefully gentle sea turned into a horrendously tremendous tsunami. It dived down and rose higher as I struggled to swim back to land.

The waves dragged me further into the sea and pressed me into the depths of darkness. The time I managed to push myself up to the surface again, I was slammed back into the water.

For a moment, a thought came across my head which had me frozen.

Haven't I already died?

It was as if the world's trying to have me find out that I am apparently not dead by conducting a test in a dream.

Suddenly, a surge of lightning flashed across my eyes. I raised my hands to cover my puffy eyes just to realize that those aren't lightning strikes. Those were just normal white ceiling lights back at the scientific research facility, back in the room I was locked in.

I pushed myself up instantly and met a headache which came along with the vibration under my feet. It felt weird as the vibration in my dream was influenced by my surroundings in my conscious self.

I raised my head up to see that there's one worker sitting in the observation area with his gaze glancing at me once in a while.

My hands were still shaking and so are my legs, it felt as if the shaking was caused by the earthquake itself. I pressed my hands on the ground and pushed myself to the wall, which then felt the rate of vibration in this place rise to a more trembling pace.

Then, the door to the observation room opened and a man trampled into the room at a rush pace.

The man observing me a while ago began speaking as the man in suit walked closer to the observation window, "Told you she's alive."

The man in the suit smiled, "It worked." he said, half cheering. "It actually worked."

"Crystal, is it?" He asked.

I gave a little nod and he tilted his head down to write it down somewhere.

Before he could say anything else, the door opened again, this time two of the same workers came in and walked straight into my room. They brought a bracelet made of metal as I pushed myself away from them hurriedly.

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