Chapter 17

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"Fuck!" I heard him scream as he fell backwards.

My vision began to fade but I held my breath and kept myself awake. He had hoped for me to go unconscious so that it would make his job easier to drag me back into that cell.

I whimpered involuntarily as the pain got to me. The stun gun fell off my stomach to somewhere else, perhaps in Kaysen's grasp. I'm not entirely sure, but I forced myself to get up even with the inevitable pain like millions of needles poking into my veins. I winced at the excruciating pain and moved my arm after being frozen in place for a while.

I pushed myself up to a sitting position in no time but my limbs are struggling to move. They're all numb and difficult to control. I stilled my body and forced myself to think of ways to get out of here and get out of the captain's sight predominantly.

He was laying on the ground as the pain struck him as if the pain that'd brought upon me reflected back to the attacker himself. He coughed multiple times and constrained himself to get up too, despite the pain he's experiencing.

It was a race between us, whether I could race past him and get to the exit or he wins and puts me back to my cell.

There's only one way to go if I wanted to go outside, and it is the way the captain is standing. I wanted to rush and do the same thing I planned to do moments ago, but instead, I stood still as I watched him run towards me after picking up the stun gun.

I knew he wasn't going to use that stun gun anymore but I doubt that he brought just one inconsequential weapon on him. And I knew for a fact that if I were to fight him, I'd never win since I've never learned to fight before. I am nothing but a girl who does ballet.

Running past him wouldn't be easy either, since the hallway isn't spacious enough for me to run around and dodging any attacks.

And that results in my last option, I glared at my hands and thought of the influence that I have, bound to nature and my emotions. That is the only way to win against someone who has more experience in fighting than I do.

I took a few steps back as he approached me. My heart thumped persistently and the tremor in the area was worse.

Damn it, I screamed at myself, surely there's a way to control it.

I clenched my fist, standing still as I let the anger boil in my head. Though I hadn't had any experience with the influence of anger, I'd like to see its capabilities now. I knew for a fact that the effects of it wouldn't be pleasant nor would Kaysen be delighted to see.

Control, I thought, whilst looking at my target and hoping for something to eventually happen.

Control, control. I repeated and commanded.

But nothing happens.

When I realize that it's not going to work, it's a bit too late. I snapped out of my fantasies as he lunged at me. He knocked me to the ground since I failed to move away in time.

I hit the ground again and leaped to my feet instantly despite the nauseating vision.

I began running towards the opposite direction when I saw Kaysen had gotten out of my way but I felt a pull on my right arm and it hurled me backwards. I staggered back and almost fell again, but my arm was caught in his grip.

Without a second later, I felt a slight sting on my right arm and saw him removing a syringe out of my flesh. A shudder rolled down my spine as I thought of the kind of poison injected into my body.

But nothing happens.

After that, he let go of my arm as I pulled myself forward again, sprinting towards the opposite side of the hallway. I ran freely as if freedom was awaiting, I dashed down the opulent-looking carpet of the hallway frivolously as if I'd already found a way to escape.

However, I have a few doubts.

Why isn't Kaysen catching up to me? Why would he let me leave just like that?

I ran and ran but without much time, I found out why he didn't go after me and stop me.

I collapsed and rolled down onto the ground.

The dose had taken effect. I couldn't move my limbs right, it was as if I'd lost control over my body coordination.

It took a ton of effort just to move a limb and raise my hand up but I lost control when I'd been using my muscles for too long over the dose.

I saw a shadow approaching, Kaysen arriving by my side and squatting down to meet my gaze.

"You're not supposed to be here, subject 89." He murmured in a gentle tone which sounded terrifying in this context.

"Screw you and your dogs." I wanted to yell but it came in a soft tone as if I'm gradually losing my voice.

I couldn't move my limbs now, as if they'd been amputated. All I could control was my facial features and nothing more.

He pushed himself up and leaned against the wall, "Just a moment till they escort you back."

"Hope you become one of the subjects they experiment on one day." I spoke, staring at him with my furious brows as I struggled to breathe at a proper pace.

To that, he scoffed, "Father wouldn't do that to me."

For a second, that sentence froze in my head as I tried to process and comprehend it properly.

He's the son of a scientist working in this scientific facility.

And that's what got him this job and this power to mess with the experimental subjects.

I lay on the ground helplessly as I heard footsteps arriving at his call, thundering down the hallway. I felt my heartbeat rising briskly, hammering against my chest as if it's going to break my ribs.

I tried to do something, I've thought of many ways to break out of this condition which the dose had caused but it seems like the dose has more control over my own body than I do. I tried to trigger my emotions but it came all at once, anger, despair, and fear. I attempted to focus on one emotion at a time but I couldn't manage my emotions well.

The distant footsteps are now closer to my ears, they arrived at the hallway in groups. Their rushed footsteps arrived before me and the first thing they did was clasp the electrical shock bracelet back onto my wrist and clicked it lock again.

After that, they hurled me up, my drugged body hanging on their arms like a corpse that had started rotting since a week ago. My head was tilted downwards since I couldn't control the muscles in my neck.

When they're preparing to transport me back to that locked cell, Kaysen came over to me.

He said, "Start recalling what happened, you're going to need answers to survive later," He then walked off my sight and they set me down onto a stretcher where they saw them tie up my arms and legs to prevent the slightest chance I get of escaping.

After a long run with a colossal of opportunities to escape this place, I was thrown back into my own room.

With the consequences awaiting.

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