The Price of Power.

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The twin bridge

The relentless march of the undead horde sent chills down the spines of those who watched helplessly from afar. With every step, the zombies consumed all that lay before them, leaving nothing but destruction in their wake. Each unfortunate soul that fell victim to their insatiable hunger was added to their ever-growing ranks, swelling the army of the dead with an alarming swiftness that seemed impossible to halt. The living, faced with such an unstoppable force, could only look on in horror as their world was devoured before their eyes.

It was a decision borne out of experience, a harsh and unforgiving one, to be sure. Those with the power to stand against the Whitewalkers horde had chosen to flee, and who could blame them? In their previous lives, they had fought this enemy tirelessly, only to be met with pain and defeat time and time again. So when the gods saw fit to grant them a second chance at life, these once-defeated warriors knew they would not squander it on a hopeless battle. Instead, they chose to pursue a new path, leaving behind the futility of a war that had already cost them so much. Some might call it cowardice, but to them, it was a hard-won wisdom gained from lifetimes of struggle.

For this despicable lord, the gods' gift had become a twisted curse. As the zombie horde advanced, he realized his doom was sealed—a fitting punishment for his past crimes. A coward who had caused the slaughter of an entire household, he now found himself unable to escape the very fate he had inflicted upon others.

The irony of the situation was not lost on him as he watched in horror, the snowstorm raging outside as if to mock his desperation. Trapped within the confines of his fortress, he could only observe as his progeny both legitimate and bastard-born were crushed beneath the relentless march of the undead.

His cries of disbelief echoed through the halls, drowned out by the thunderous roar of the horde and the howling wind. "No, it cannot be!" he wailed, not for remose for what he had a hand in, causing no he wails because he is going to die before he can reap the benefits of his betrayed. A blue-eyed figure walked towards him as he stabbed his and slit his throat.

Kings landing.

Cersei stood before the ornate mirror in her chamber, adjusting her regal attire in preparation for the trial that lay ahead. A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she mused over the sheer irony of the situation—the very power that the high sparrow now wielded against her had been granted by her own hand. Now, this impertinent man believed he possessed the means to bring harm upon her, the queen regent, who had endured the hardships of a drunken husband and a formidable father.

But he was mistaken; she had faced far greater adversaries in her lifetime and emerged victorious. If he thought he was the most dangerous foe she had ever encountered, he was sorely misguided. A cold smile played at the corners of her mouth as she resolved to teach him a lesson he would not soon forget. The high sparrow would soon learn that he had gravely underestimated her just as many have.

Queen Margaery was getting ready for the trial when a large sound was heard. One of the septa that was watching her had fallen to sleep. Margaery turns to see a red woman and men behind her. She rushed and grabbed a knife.  " Who are you? and why are you here? She asked them when she saw her grandmother coming from behind them .

" I will explain everything on our way. Let go," she told her granddaughter.  Who hesitated a little, but she went anyway.  Her boy and father came along too. The speta that was knocked out was turned into them with their memory.

TARGARYENS EMPIRE : formally known as Essos.

In one of the chambers of the pyramid. 

The dragon empress lay entangled in the bedsheets, her skin glistening in the candlelight. Her prince consort rested his head lovingly on her swollen belly, his gentle touch a reminder of the life's growing within her. As he posed the question of their unborn children's identities, she responded with a laugh, expressing her sole hope for their good health.

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