Madness and chaos

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Varys has always prided himself on being the most knowledgeable person in the world. But lately, things seem to be slipping through his grasp. From his friend, lllyrio Mopatis dying and his mansion mysteriously burning down, the citadel also burning down and their secrets of them harming the Targaryen children and the rest of westeros nobles. And now they are songs coming from the east about the so-called heroes freeing the slaves and ruling Essos

It is madness and chaos . The kind little finger thrive on. Buy even if he seems unsure of what is going on.

Varys can't seem to shake this feeling of dread inside of him.

Whatever is happening, he won't live long enough to see it. He thought as he drunk his wine.

A knock came. " Enter," he answered. " What is it?.

" My lord, an emergency small council meeting has been called . The servant boy told him.

" Be right there,

Varys arrived at the small council.

He bowed his head to the queen mother . The king is absent as always. A little finger is there. Pycelle was no longer with us after Lord Tywin lannister killed him for his involvement with the citadel.

He took a seat . The queen mother passed him the scroll.

He started reading the scroll.

" This is impossible. How is this possible? Varys seems surprised because this is the kind of news he would have heard first.

" it not impossible, Stannis Baratheon and his household are all dead, little finger confirmed.  And what more impossible is that dragon stone is burning.

Mummers was heard around the table.

Varys mind was racing. Something doesn't feel right. He could place his hand on it .

" I could care less about that bore . I am more concerned about Renly. The queen mother said.

" he has declared himself king , the north is in open rebellion, and the Tyrell have join That cunt Renly. The queen mother seething.

" Well, dearest sister, that what happens when you chop the head of their beloved warden.

The queen mother rowed her yes at the short man.

" Hello Cersei," the man said as he kissed her cheek.

" What are you doing here? She asked.

" Well, I am drinking wine, and I sit in this council meeting.  The man answered.

" What are you doing here!? Tyrion, this is the small council you need to have a position to be here. Cersei was seething.

" Well, I do believe the hand to the king does have a position, no," He answered after taking a gulp of his wine.

She started laughing humorlessly. " Our father is the hand, not you.

" Yes, about that , he handed a parchment to varys.

Varys rolled it, and he read out loud. " it would seem your father had named your brother as the hand until he arrived in.....

" Out all of you out! Cersei shouted.

The council let the two of them alone.

As varys was leaving to his chambers to reflect on what had happened today, he saw one of his little birds .

" Do you have a song for me? He asked.

The little bird nodded his head.

He handed the scroll to him, and he left.

Vary was beyond shocked. The golden company has been destroyed along with everything, and everyone.

What is happening, he thought bitterly.  If he didn't know any better, he would have thought another player had entered the game.

The little bird was running through the tunnels in the caves. When he reached the open of the tunnel, he placed his hand on his face and ripped his face off, revealing another face .

" Is it done then? A man in a dark cloak approaches the boy.

" Yes, it is. The message has been delivered to the eunuch my prince.

Daemon started laughing .

" Good soon, they will fully understand what it means to incurred the wrath of a dragon. Let go we have work to do.

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