Chapter 2: Trouble in the sewers

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Asami Kongou belongs to Sammy, an art commissioner that no longer commissions art, this story is to honor the OC, Asami Kongou



Previously on Energy Blue and Rebound, Riot, secretly a superhero known as Energy Blue, meets a Japanese transfer student known as Asami Kongou and seems to get along with her, suddenly, troubles occurs at the bank, as two of New York's criminals, Tombstone and Armadillo attempt to rob the bank, Riot becomes Energy Blue and goes to stop them, only for a new superhero to enter the scene like he did, a female superhero called Rebound, Energy Blue and Rebound fight off Tombstone and Armadillo and defeat them, foiling their bank robbery and saving the day, as they exit the scene, they relax together on top of a building, and learn of their identities, Rebound is Asami Kongou, Energy Blue learns that Rebound wears diapers because of her power's drawback, the two chat for a while and become partners, what heroic adventure will await the two partnered heroes?


After another class lecture, it was time for lunch, Riot would sit by the rooftop, reading comic books and enjoying some chips, he felt like he needed some time to relax his muscles after defeating Tombstone and Armadillo, along side Asami, who he remembers formed a partnership with

Riot: Man... I never thought I'd form a partnership with someone like Asami... She wears diapers all the time, despite not needing them during her normal days... Does she... Like wearing them?.. I mean... She does look cute in them... I'll give her that... Ah! What am I saying?! Come on, Riot! Don't be a pervert!

Asami: Hey! Riot!

Riot turns to see Asami is now on the rooftop, smiling directly at him

Riot: Oh, Asami, hey

Asami: I've been looking for you, is this where you spend your time during lunch?

Riot: Sometimes, yeah, it helps me relax, you know, cause after school, we gotta head back out there to fight crime as superheroes

Asami: Oh yeah, right, so uh, mind if I sit next to you?

Riot: Sure, go on ahead

Asami smiles and sits down next to Riot, getting comfy

Asami: So, now that we're partners, does this mean we go out on patrol together?

Riot: Yep, after school, we put on our costumes, go out on patrol, fight crime, and return later at night to make it back in time for family dinner

Asami: Sounds about right

Riot then looks at his phone for some recent news, thinking he could potentially find something suspicious to investigate, he then comes up to something he found interesting, rumors of something dangerous in the New York sewers, Riot reads the article on his phone, seeing that witnesses stated that the man looks like a giant crocodile

Riot: Well this could be interesting...

Asami: What is it?

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