rescuing y/n pt 1

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Your p.o.v
"Hello is anyone out there I need food" I called out. I heard movements and two marines were walking up in front of me "why should we answer to you? You're just pirate scum" one said
The other was laughing at me.

If people really know who the bad guys are the pirate's or marines just these two scum bags are you need to know. I sighed loudly "you are acting tough because I'm in sea stone cuffs and I'm behind bars witch are sea prison to. But you know as I that I can kick your ass without making a sweat" I said without taking my eyes off of them.

They stared at me for a good minute. I rolled my eyes at them "look if you ant going to give me anything to eat can I at least go use the bathroom? I asked. The one was laughing brought out the keys and opened the prison door and dragged me out and started making me follow him towards their bathroom.

"There's the bathroom now go in" the marine said pushing me making me land on my knees. I got up using the wall as help "I hope you're okay ace daddy I know will find us" I said to my stomach. I wobbled to the toilet and used it.

I looked up and saw a small window. I smrik I got an idea I put my hand in a fist and swung at it making the glass break and my hand start to bleed. I  shed a few tears but I calmed myself down enough. I grabbed my  house shoes off my foot and threw them in the water.

"I hope to god that works because if those house shoes sink in the water I'm doomed" I said to myself. I went to the sink to wash my bloody hands and to take out the glass out of my hand. The cuts are noticeable but I don't think they would care.

I flushed the toilet "I'm done in here" I said loud enough so that marine could  hear. The marine walked in and grabbed my head and smashed it against the bathroom mirror making my head busted opened and started heavy bleeding. "That's what you get for speaking to the marines that way" the marine said cuffing me

He dragged to my cell and threw me to the ground making yet again hit my stomach. "There's your food don't ask for more that's all you get" the marine said walking away from the cell.
I looked over to see where the food is and I saw two cans of dog food. "You can't be serious" I said in disbelief.

Luffy p.o.v
"Hey luffy?" I heard zoro asking for me from behind. I turned around "yeah what is it?" I asked turning around. He made a motion with his finger telling me to follow him.

I got up from the sunny's head and started following him he stopped at the edge of the ship. "What are we doing here?" I asked zoro. "Do you remember the day y/n joining the crew?" Zoro asked what the hell does this have to do with anything? "Yeah she helped us with the marines" I said

"In that same week we went to punk hazard and she helped us out with ceasar but mostly helping chopper with the kids" zoro said with a smile
I started laughing "yeah her and law almost went to blows when she found out he was warlord but she forgiven him after he helped us at punk hazard" I said.

Zoro nodded "and you remember what she said when you told us we are teaming with law to take down kaido?" Zoro asked I thought for a second I shook my head no. "She said sounds like fun but if it's captain in then I'm in too that's when I personally knew she's really a straw hat"  zoro said I smiled.

"Zoro what's the point in telling me this?" I asked looking at him "look y/n has been on here just two years or close two years and through everything we been through with her she's really tough and doesn't need no one's help when it comes to fighting even its she's has all her bones broken she always try and find a away and fight" zoro said I nodded looking at ground.

"And point is?" I asked zoro faced palmed himself  "what I'm saying is she can handle her own pregnant or not. You don't need to worry about her" zoro said  "look it's part of boyfriend job to worry about his girlfriend I understand that y/n can handle her own but I worry about her as her captain and boyfriend" I said

"Usopp what do you think you're doing?" I heard nami asked then I heard a splash. I turned around to see nami looking in the water.  I ran towards nami "where's usopp?" I asked nami looked at me "he said he saw something in the ocean that could be y/n then he jumped in" nami said

"Well if it's y/n things then where closer then we originally thought" robin said I kept looking at the sea hoping usopp will jump up with something of y/n clothes or something like that.Then usopp popped up holding onto house shoes I quickly stretched out my arms to bring him in "luffy is this something of y/n" usopp asked me.

I grabbed the house shoes from him I roamed my eyes around the shoes. Then I saw her initials on it. I smiled really hard "yes it is usopp it has her initials on it I'm the one who wrote it on there great job usopp" I said

He smiled at me "hey you ant the only one who wants her back the rest of do to" usopp said wrapped up in a towel.
I looked around the deck and seeing everyone having serious impression on their face. I smiled I knew y/n close to everyone on the crew especially usopp and nami of course.

"okay listen up we are fighting anyone who is stands in our way of getting y/n and getting her on the ship safe and sound AM I UNDERSTOOD" I screamed the last part making myself clear. Everyone started cheering
I laughed "let's get ready for battle!" I said loud enough everyone nodded and started getting there stuff ready.

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