Chapter 8

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*This was taken down by Wattpad so I am reposting it and praying they don't take it down again but just in case it is also posted on my AO3 account 'spiderdust'*

Adelaide stiffened - her affectionate nuzzling and kissing stopping as she drew back, her hands gripping Pandora's shoulders as they stared at each other, one hopeful, the other confused. It was silent, both of them waiting for the other to speak as the tension grew heavy, both of their shoulders sinking under the weight of it.

"Stay here - as in with you or here as in stay in this world." She finally asked, her voice careful, unsure what answer she would prefer.

Emotions carefully masked, Pandora considered the question - what did she want? Her nose filled with the smell of sex as she breathed in deeply, her cock twitching, making Adelaide's hips jerk - both of them moaning at the small movements.

Immediately, Adelaide was climbing off of Pandora, grabbing a towel from the floor to clean herself up as Pandora's cock slowly disappeared, the silence heavy once again.

"Did you want some clothes?" Pandora asked gently. She knew humans weren't as comfortable with their naked bodies as Fae were - she had read something about someone called Eve eating a fruit. Human myths were very strange.

Adelaide shook her head, tossing the now dirty towel onto a pile of other dirty towels. She'd used them a lot in the past few hours. "No. I don't mind being naked around you." She muttered, voice soft as she sat down, crossing her legs.

Pandora practically purred at her words, the veins in her neck jumping as her muscles quivered in excitement. Addie felt comfortable in her naked body around her! She had never felt more honoured - not even when the faery council had recognised her as their official princess, despite being half Boogie.

"I can't stay here Pandora." Adelaide suddenly whispered, slamming Pandora back into reality.

She blinked, her excitement dissipating as she soaked in the words. Sucking in a deep breath, Pandora slowly nodded. "Right...okay."

Rejection stung.

Scooting closer, Adelaide grabbed Pandora's hand, wrapping it in her own. "I'd love to stay-" Pandora's eyes lit up. "-but I can't, I've been gone too long as it is. My sister will be so worried about me, I'll have to call in a favour from Carmen to give an excuse for where I've been." She said in a rush, voice pleading, desperately wanting her lover to understand.

Pandora had never felt so many emotions in so little time. Rejection, excitement, sadness and now relief. If she could have heart attacks, she was sure she would've had one by now - it was working overtime to keep up with her changing emotions. "If that's that's the only thing you're worried about, there's no need. Winnie has several hours left of her shift. You have plenty of time."

"What?" Adelaide's voice was shocked, her face crumpled in a way she knew was unattractive - as her mother never failed to tell her - but she didn't care."What do you mean? She had four hours left at the restaurant 19 hours ago!"

A small laugh forced its way from Panora's nose. There was still so much more Adelaide had to learn about the Fae and their world. If she could stop being so seductive 24/7, Pandora might get a chance to tell her some of it. "Time works differently here, my love. Winnie still has an hour and a half until she can go back to your house." She explained, playfully pulling on a loose strand of Adelaide's hair.

Adelaide was in shock, her mouth hanging open ever so slightly as she tried to process what she had just been told.

"So how do you know when it's nighttime?" She asked cautiously.

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