Chapter 7

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*This was taken down by Wattpad so I am reposting it and praying they don't take it down again but just in case it is also posted on my AO3 account 'spiderdust'*

That night was probably the worst night Adelaide had ever been through.

She had had sex with Pandora after their shared shower of course - multiple times, in fact. Usually, that would wear her out and she would be asleep the moment her face hit the pillow but tonight was different.

She just couldn't get what Pandora had said out of her head. It was like a stuck record, the same 3 words playing again and again and again.

By now she was convinced that Pandora had most definitely meant it - the way she had stared at her, completely and utterly horrified at what she had just said, basically confirmed that, while she had not wanted to say it, she had meant it.

Now, Adelaide was lying in Pandora's bed, wrapped up in her arms, acting like nothing had been said and everything was completely normal while her brain was going haywire.

She knew, that, without a doubt, she had extremely strong feelings for Pandora but she didn't have a clue whether it was love or just sexual attachment. After the month without Pandora she realised that she would be in her life forever, she physically could not live a normal life without her. But the thought of entering a relationship with her had never crossed her mind before. Even if it had, Adelaide wasn't sure it would be the greatest idea - she barely knew anything about Pandora apart from how to make her orgasm within a few minutes.

Feeling too overwhelmed with everything that was happening in her brain, Adelaide gently maneuvered her way out of the tangled maze that was Pandora's limbs and got out of bed. She were still naked and had yet to be offered any clothes so she didn't bother trying to cover up as she walked towards the door. Clearly it was very normal to be unclothed in this place.

She debated just going and sitting in the bathroom for a while but the echo of Pandora's words lingered in her mind and she quickly decided to move towards the main door instead.

Opening it, she gasped at the sight of a lush jungle on the other side instead of the plain corridor that had been there when she'd entered the room with Pandora. Hesitating, she cast a quick glance over her shoulder before stepping out into the plant filled environment.

Once both feet were out of the room, Adelaide laughed at the feel of the soft ground between her toes before turning to close the door behind you.

Except it wasn't there anymore.

Feeling a small ball of panic growing in her chest, she quickly pushed it away before taking a deep breath and starting to walk forward, moving further and further into the jungle.

The long grass reached her waist and although her mind couldn't help but come up with different animals that might be hiding near herr feet, Adelaide couldn't bring herself to feel scared as she looked around, eyes wide with wonder.

Trees taller than any building she'd ever seen, vines wrapping around every available surface while sunrays filtered through the leaves.

A suprised smile graced her features for a moment as she stepped into a sunray, basking in the warmth. She hadn't realised how much time had passed but it clearly wasn't nighttime anymore.

Walking over to a furry looking tree, Adelaide reached out and touched the bark, letting out a small yelp as hundreds of butterflies flew off of the tree at her touch, their wings turning from brown to every colour imaginable. A laugh filled the air as she watched the insects in wonder, following their every move.

"They're lovely, aren't they?" A voice suddenly spoke, pulling her from her butterfly filled trance.

Whipping her head to the side, Adelaide was greeted by the smiling face of Pandora's mother, the Queen.

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