"Ah, your maj- I, uh, I mean, Clary! I didn't see you there." She spat out, cheeks reddening as she choked on her words, making Clary let out a small laugh.

"It's quite alright, dear." She smiled, looking at Adelaide with soft eyes. "Walk with me?" She suddenly asked, gesturing towards a path that definitely wasn't there 2 seconds ago.

Hesitating for a only a few seconds, Adelaide returned her smile as she nodded, falling into step with her. It was silent for a while before Clary began to speak again.

"I assume the two of you got.. ah, well acquainted after such a long absence from each others company?" She asked lightly, tilting her head as her eyes followed the wobbly flight of a newly hatched butterfly.

Swallowing, Adelaide's flicked all over the place as she tried to come up with an answer, blushing all the way down to her chest. Clary noticed this and gave a small chuckle, resting her hand on the younger girls shoulder.

"There's no need to be embarrassed, dear. Copulation is quite a normal topic in this world." She explained happily, looking down at her red face.

The skin on skin contact reminded Adelaide that the both of them were naked while walking through a jungle together, making her turn even redder as she fake coughed, still trying to think of a response.

Eventually, she was able to speak, her voice quiet and full of cracks. "Yes, uh, well, we did get.." She bit your lip before swallowing, wetting her dry throat. "Well acquainted."

It was a suprise that steam wasn't being emitted from her skin, it was so red.

The Queen, sensing Adelaide's embarrassment, simply smiled and spoke no further, guiding her through the jungle until they reached a familiar looking door.

Frowning, Adelaide spluttered for a moment before looking up at Clary in shock. "But it disappeared." Was all she said, eyes wide.

Letting out a short laugh, she smiled even wider, shrugging. "The castle has a mind of it's own, you'll learn that soon enough."

Opening her mouth to reply back, a dry remark at the ready, something in what Clary had just said made Adelaide pause, frowning. "I can't stay here." She said, watching as Clary's face became confused. "I have a life, friends - and my sister, Winnie, is probably going mad trying to find me. I don't even know how long I've been gone!"

The words kept tumbling out of her mouth as she began to pace back and forth, fingers threading through her hair as you grew more and more stressed.

"I have to go back now!" She suddenly shouted, chest heaving as panic spread through her body. She couldn't stay here! How could they expect her to stay here?

"Go where? Addie, Mother? What's going on?" A familiar voice reached Adelaide's ears and she spun around to see Pandora standing in the now open doorway, eyebrows furrowed as she looked at her panicked state.

It was like a bucket of refreshing cold water was splashed over her, a relieved sigh escaping her as she practically fell into Pandora's arms, wrapping herself around her as she tucked your head into her neck.

She didn't say anything as she wrapped her own arms around Adelaide's, hoisting her up until her legs were wrapped around her as well. This position seemed to be a favourite of theirs. Hesitating for a moment, she quickly bade farewell to her mother before moving backwards into the bedroom and closing the door.

"Hey, everything's fine, you can loosen your grip, I'm not going anywhere." She breathed, purposefully making her voice as soothing as possible as Adelaide tightened your grip. "Now, why don't you tell what's wrong?"

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