[(..| The Meet |..)]

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(Ik last chapter with Mach in it she was an asshole, let's just say she had a bad day and move on)

Gnarpy stumbled out into the middle of a dark room, regaining consciousness. Xis eyes would slowly turn back to normal from a hazy white to dark purple. Xe turned and stared at MR who stood in the entryway of the door. As Gnarpy's lightheaded feeling went away, xe shot MR a pissed off glare.

"What are you doing to me..." Xe hissed.
"Oh, borrowing your conscience, stealing your soul, using you in my favor." MR replied grimly.
"Why me? Why don't you juzt kill me already?!" Gnarpy burst out.
"I'm not wasting a perfect opportunity like you. Pest and Split could've been quite the help too if only that filthy, yellow cat wasn't such a bother." MR said, harshening it's tone at the mention of DrRETRO.
"Well too fucking bad!" Gnarpy shouted "Im not doing your dirty work!"
MR chuckled quietly "Oh yes you are."

The rock locked eye contact with xim, staring at xim evilly. Gnarpy tried to turn and avoid its gaze, but xis eyes locked with MR's, almost as if xe was hypnotized. Its eyes took xim over, washing over every other thought in xis mind. Xe grasped xis head before losing all control over xim and xis body.

"And you're gonna do me a favor."


DrRETRO patiently waited in the elevator, clasping her hands together. She stared at the elevator doors, anxiety rushing over her. Would Mach even bother to help her? It's not like MR is much of a threat to Mach anyway. DrRETRO still hoped.


The elevator finally arrived at her destination. DrRETRO stepped out onto a floor neatly made and decorated with items willing to be sold. She walked past the tempting goodies and over to Mach's desk. Mach looked up from a newspaper she held and turned to look at DrRETRO.

"May I help you with something?" Mach asked calmly.
"Uh, a little bit big of a favor..." DrRETRO replied with a slightly nervous tone.
"Oh, and what might that be?" Mach said with a more interested expression.
"Well, MR is going on a rampage in the Regretevator and attempting to kill people, Bive is dead, Gnarpy is possessed, everyone's freaking out, and I need your help to fix this." DrRETRO suddenly spat out.
Mach stared at her blankly for a moment before speaking again "Uhm, you feeling okay? You seem... Stressed. Why don't you come and enjoy some tea with me?" She stood up, gesturing for DrRETRO to follow her into another room.
"Pilby, grab some tea for us, won't you?" Mach said to Pilby who was currently sweeping the floor.
"Oh, yes Mach!" They said, running off to get some tea for the two of them

DrRETRO followed Mach into a quiet and tidy room off to the side from the shop. They sat down at a wooden circular table sitting across from each other. "So start at the beginning. What has you in such a panic?" Mach said, waiting for DrRETRO's response. "Well..."

DrRETRO explained all she had witnessed within the past couple weeks to Mach, leaving no details out. "...And everyone is gonna rely on me because I can kill MR, but then I'd destroy myself. That's why I need you to help me." DrRETRO finished. Mach gave a simple nod in response.

"Well, if it's so big of a deal, I'm sure a sacrifice wouldn't be too much of an ask." She stated calmly.
"WHAT?!" DrRETRO said, nearly flipping the table "Your saying you'd rather let me die than getting up off your lazy ass to fix this?!"
"Calm down, doc." Mach said with a more stern look "If you're gonna be such a pussy cat about it, I might as well continue off with my life instead of waste my time killing a dumb rock for you."
"I don't give a shit. End of story."


The two spun around, staring in the direction of where the sound of crash came from. Mach stood up, picking up her hammer and spinning it. "If that damn Fleshcousin got into my office again, I swear..." She began walking towards the kitchen where they'd heard the crash. DrRETRO cautiously followed behind Mach, still pissed off from the previous conversation, but now more focused on whatever was in the kitchen.

As they both entered, they were met with the kitchen entirely demolished. The cabinets were torn down and sliced apart, burn marks trailed the floor, and blood trickled from a hole in the wall as if something or someone was dragged away. Mach kneeled down near a metal tray on the floor with two shattered teacups. She angrily stood back up, her grip tightening on her hammer.

"Pilby's missing..." Mach said in a harsh tone.
"Now do you see what's going on?!" DrRETRO said.
"If this was MR's doing.. THAT ROCK IS GONNA FUCKING DIE."

Mach lifted her hammer and pounded it against the floor. The room shook violently for a short moment before returning to normal. A large purple and red portal opened in the floor. "Cmon, no time to waste!" Mach shouted as she jumped into the portal. DrRETRO hesitantly followed behind.

"God I hope this is the right decision..."

..~| An Uneasy Feeling |~.. [Regretevator]Where stories live. Discover now