(^.<.. The Sleepover ..>.^)

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It's been weeks since Bive's death. The elevator was a lot quieter everyday since then, almost as if the grief made them all entirely forget how to have a normal conversation. Nobody has seen MR for a while, but thankfully, neither has anyone else gone missing. Poob was extremely happy to see Pest again, but was heartbroken when Split told him about Bive.

"O no..." They sobbed "It's my fault isn't it? I sent her to look for Pest and-"
"It's not your fault, Poob." Split said, trying to keep herself together. She very desperately wanted to cry again.
"Why do things lik dis always happen..." Poob lifted his head to look at her.
As much as Split wished she had an answer, all she could honestly reply with was "I don't know."

For as long as she could remember, Split was like the therapist friend to most people, even to people who weren't her friend. She always had a good word of advice or the magical ability to make someone feel better, but now, why can't she make herself feel better?

What was worse was that MR was still somewhere out there, waiting for an opportunity to strike. Split didn't want anyone else to have to feel the pain she was going through by losing someone they loved. Who knew who would be next? It could be anyone...


Split sat among the crowd that watched as players parkoured through the obstacle course. It was always a funny sight to watch them slip and fall into the water. Of course, it was mean to laugh, but some players deserved the harassment...
(Especially one..)

This time around, it didn't seem to cheer Split up as much. She finally stood up, walking towards the elevator. As she entered, she was met with two familiar faces. Pest stared at the wall, probably in his own world. Spud anxiously looked down at the floor on the opposite end of the elevator from Split. Other than the soft jazz music that played in the background, everything was extremely quiet. Split chose not to speak and keep the silence in tact. She was too busy thinking about all the worrying and depressing thoughts that swarmed her head.

As floors passed and time went by, the elevator grew more and more awkward to stand in. Suddenly out of the blue, Pest spoke up "これは耐えられない. (This is unbearable.)"

Split and Spud turned to him, passing confused glances. Pest stared at Split dead in the eye.

"So what." He spoke again "We're all gonna ignore the fact a fucking rock is tormenting the Regretevator?" Pest's tone was angry and cold, as if this really bothered him, which seemed to.

Spud looked back down at the floor, sighing. "Spud... I don't like this place..." He said in a whispery voice. Split could feel the same pain and fear he did, but clearly not as much. While she'd been through a lot, nothing could compare to the torture and endless trauma Spud went through. The thought of being stuck on an infinite elevator with murderous people and painful fates started to become more clear to them. Realizing their peers can die and this elevator's passengers can be picked off one by one was a horrible thing to think of. Would one of them die next?

"So.. What now?" Split started suggesting "We stay on our floors? Maybe hide?"
Pest turned to her, hesitating before speaking again "I guess.. That's not a terrible idea..."
Pest seriously looked like he didn't wanna admit it, but still did anyway. Spud looked at them and quietly nodded.
Split felt somewhat proud. Did she really just make up a solution to solve everyone's problems? Would this keep them safe? She hoped so.

As Split started zoning out again, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. "Uhhm... Spud.. Can I stay at your floor? Spud.." Spud said. After a short moment of thinking, Split nodded with a smile. "Of course!"

Spud smiled in response, moving back to his spot in the elevator.
Split hoped this would be the last solution she'd ever have to come up with.

Later that night...

Pest had left the elevator long before Spud and Split arrived at Splitsville once more. The day had been mostly full of Split visiting her friends to talk with them in hopes of comforting herself, along with Spud quietly standing around the elevator to take a break from Two Stud Camp. As the two stepped out of the elevator, the lights automatically turned on, illuminating the place. Spud rubbed his eyes, blinded by the bright yellow colors.

Splitsville, what a wonderful place to call home. Split basically owned the floor, it was even named after her. She usually hosts the shows that take place in Splitsville. Split loved it here.

"So.. Spud.. This is Splitsville?" Spud said with a surprised tone. He seemed to be stunned by the view of it.
"Mhm! The one and only." Split replies.
"Wow.. Spud." Spud said.

They walked past the obstacle course and went into a separate side room. A hallway full of other doors that lead to more random rooms. Split took out a key from her pocket and unlocked a door. As she entered the room she grabbed a sleep bag and placed it down. "Here you go." She said.

"Thank you.. Spud.. So much. Spud... I can't stand that awful cat.." He sighed.
Poor Spud, he'd been through so much. Tortured by an alien cat that ripped off his legs and experimented on him for two days straight.. Could that even compare to the pain Split felt?

They stayed up a while, having conversations with each other until it had gotten late enough. Spud had already fallen asleep while Split lied in bed, rethinking the same thoughts.

She missed Bive so much.. Would she ever come back? Possibly? By some chance? Would she?
She was crazy, but she was her best friend and her crush..
If only Split told her sooner...

As Split lied in bed, ready to start crying again, her thoughts were interrupted by a loud thud coming from outside the room. She stood up, carefully and quietly walking around Spud. Split left the room, looking down the dark hallway. It was always so eerie at night. Cheerful and colorful at day, but dark and strange at night.

She grabbed a flashlight, it looked just like a banana (Because of course she has a banana flashlight don't even try to argue with me). Split made her way down the hallway, listening for by more weird noises. Was it an intruder? Pest trying to rob her? Or was she just overreacting? Either way, it was distracting her from her depressing thoughts.

Another loud thud comes from the room next to her. Split quickly swung the door open and shone the flashlight inside.


Not again...

Split froze in fear, staring down at the rock that rested in the middle of the room. Shortly, without any hesitation, she ran out of the room and shut the door closed behind her. She ran back to her room to wake up Spud. "SPUD! WE NEED TO GO NOW!" Split said panickedly. "W-w-what?.. Spud?" He responded in a quiet and fearful tone. "MR i-"

A small explosion can be heard from far away. The two both quickly exit the room to see the other end of the hallway engulfed in flames. Split grabbed Spud's arm and ran towards the elevator. As they entered, Spud collapsed on the floor. Split gazed out of the elevator while trying to call DrRETRO on her phone.


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