..-~The Fight~-..

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Pest leaned against the brick wall of the Subway station, watching trains go by. He stood there, enjoying whatever peace and quiet he had before the elevator came. After a minute or so, there came the familiar sound


Pest turned his head to look at the open elevator doors, gesturing for him to come in. Pest walked up to the entrance of the elevator and peered inside. To Pest's surprise, there's was only one person, which would be fine if only it wasn't...


Pest hissed with hate, glaring at the rotten green cat. Pest remembered everything that awful cat did to Spud and all the rest of the NPCs xe tormented. Pest hesitated before stepping inside and walking to the opposite corner from Gnarpy. Pest shot Gnarpy a sideways glance, agitated by his presence.
"Heh.. What'z the matter? Woke up on the wrong zide of the floor thiz morning?" Gnarpy said, smirking.
Pest turned away, trying to block xim out. Pest knew xe was nothing but a pathetic excuse for a bully, xe just wanted more enemies.

"Hey bug boy! Over hereeee!" Gnarpy pushed on.
Pest scoffed quietly.
Pest spun around, staring at xim hatefully.
"WHAT?" Pest growled loudly.
"Finally! Get your earz checked, parazite.." Gnarpy muttered.
Pest hissed at xim "You know better than to mess with me."
"Ooooh! Zhiver me timberz!" Gnarpy said mockingly "Try me!"

Gnarpy, such an infuriating and cruel cat. Nobody liked xim at all, in fact, most feared xim, but not Pest. Pest wasn't afraid to beat up that stupid cat. "What are you gonna do about me? HUH? CMON AND GIVE ME ONE GOOD REAZON TO FEAR A DUMB LITTLE BEETLE LIKE YOU!" Gnarpy yelled. Pest dashed towards xim, punching xim in the side of the head. Gnarpy balanced ximself, quickly swinging around and kicking Pest in the leg. Pest fell into the wall, grabbing the railing. Gnarpy stood there, about to grab Pest. Pest kicked xim in the stomach, causing xim to fall backwards. Pest stood up, walking over to Gnarpy and grabbing xim by the neck.

Gnarpy's mouth bled, but xe still held that smug smirk. Pest held xim by the throat firmly, staring at xim menacingly. "Who's the dumb one now?" Pest replied with victory in his tone.
Gnarpy struggled to speak. "Y.. Y-YOU!" Gnarpy choked.
Pest looked at the cat with disbelief. Even though Pest held xim in a chokehold, the dumb cat wouldn't give up!
"Are all you Gnarpians this brain dead or is it just you?! If it's just you, you're just embarrassing your species." Pest growled.


The elevator stopped at the Shop Space.
As Gnarpy was about to say something stupid again, xe stopped, turning xis head to stare at the door. Pest was relieved, xe shut up! Pest looked towards where Gnarpy stared, feeling everything turn from victory and pleasure to fear.

A black figure stood outside, pushing around a crate. The black figure came to the elevator, walking inside. The figure said nothing, just quickly dropping the crate and leaving. The entire elevator suddenly felt cold and dark. Pest stared at the crate, knowing just what horror was inside.

MR, the worst of anything you could find on this hellish elevator. MR was feared more than Gnarpy, in fact, EVERYONE feared it.

The crate fell apart, nails coming loose from the planks and dropping all over the floor. A rock with three empty eyes and a wide, grim smile stared into Pest's soul.

Gnarpy squirmed out of Pest's grasp, running out of the elevator. Pest turned to exit too, but there was no time. The elevator doors shut on him, leaving him stuck with MR.

Pest turned around glancing around the room panickedly. The lights cut out and everything was pitch black. Pest saw his life flashing before his eyes, he knew everything was about to end here. A flicker of light appears in the distance. Before he knew it, Pest was on fire. He screamed in agony as the flames burned away at his skin slowly and painfully.

This is it.. Was he really about to die here?

Suddenly, when everything was about to go black, all Pest could hear was a loud


..~| An Uneasy Feeling |~.. [Regretevator]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora