Honor the Many and the Few

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● 3/25/2024

☆ Medal of Honor day 🎖 🥇
☆ Tolkien Reading day
☆ Lobster Newburg day 🦞
☆ Waffle day 🧇
☆ Holi
☆ Guadalupe day
☆ Old New Years day

Narra: So, Miss Platinum tried showing her latest addition, a black scaled dragon, as an offering to Mr. Jin's dad. He immediately started Hyper Beaming us "weaklings." Isabelle tased him, and Miss Platinum dragged him back to her domain. After a round of waffles, Belladonna reached out to a participant named Dragunov.

Belladonna: Privet, Gospodin Dragunov.

[Dragunov stays silent.]


● 3/26/2024

☆ Epilepsy Awareness day
☆ Nougat day
☆ Spinach day
☆ American Diabetes Association Alert day
☆ Good Hair day
☆ Air Max day
☆ Wear a Hat day 👒 🎩

Belladonna: Today's Arriving Day is for Kaede Akamatsu; man, she has good hair.

"Is Itadori cleared to come back? Last year's interference was so sudden."

Melyssa: Not yet, Ms. Kaede, we haven't even met all his colleagues yet.

Isabelle: Nobara might shoot us on sight. Also, Megumi has dogs. None of them wear hats.

Kung Lao: I got one.

Snapdragon: *whistles* Sharp.


● 3/27/2024

☆ Scribble day
☆ Little Red Wagon day
☆ Spanish Paella day
☆ Joe day
☆ Manatee day
☆ Acoustic Soul day
☆ Governance Professionals day

Belladonna: Should we bother with Natsumi Kuzuryu? She's canonically Departed.

Isabelle: She should've ruled the mafia.


● 3/28/2024

☆ Triglycerides day
☆ Black Forest Cake day 🎂
☆ Something on a Stick day
☆ Weed Appreciation day
☆ Piano day 🎹 🎹 🎹 🎹
☆ Barnum & Bailey day
☆ Eat a Pie day

Belladonna: You know dang well we are not disrespecting our rens' wishes not to utter the slur before "pie."

Snapdragon: Snow Pie?

Coriander: Teeth of a lion?


● 3/29/2024

☆ Pita day
☆ Nevada day
☆ Vietnam War Veterans day
☆ Lemon Chiffon Cake day
☆ Mom and Pop Business Owners day
☆ Good Friday
☆ Smoke & Mirrors day 💨 🪞
☆ Mermaid day

Synth: Is this a play on Tomas' stage name?

Isabelle: Nope.

Melyssa: Isabelle, put Himiko down.

Isabelle: Okay. *sets the short Magician on a carpet, she skitters*

Melyssa: And leave Aoi alone, she's not a mermaid.

National Day Skits: Next Generation Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon