🌸 Dress to Impress

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"I don't wanna seem the way I do but I'm confident when I'm with you"

I sit at a lunch table, munching down on some fruit loops when I get startled by someone throwing themselves down on the bench across from me, dropping my spoon into the bowl and it disappears into the milk.

"Jake for the last time, I am not going to prom with yo-" I groan, turning around but am suprised when my eyes meet a pair of hazel ones.

"Seems like I have some competition on my hands." Tristan smirks. "Sorry about the cereal by the way."

"Actually, no," I sigh. "You don't have any competition because-"

"Well that was easy, I'll pick you up tomorrow to go dress shopping then, does 3 work for you?" He asks.

"You didn't let me finish." I huff. "You don't have any competition because I'm not going."

His smile falters. "What? Why not?"

"Because I don't dance." I answer, earning a scoff.

"Well, I'll teach you." Tristan replies desperately.

"It's not that Tristan, I just don't want to go." I tell him, his mouth turning into a frown.

It may not seem like it now, but I've had a terrible crush on Tristan since the day I stepped into this school. I liked his risky personality, it's always seemed thrilling to me. So why, may you ask, am I not jumping at this opportunity? I mean, doesn't every girl want their crush to take them to a dance?

Tristan is a player. He plays girls, then breaks their hearts for the next pretty new girl. I'm not stupid enough to fall for it, and I know I'm not the first girl he's asked. Most likely, if I said yes, I'd show up at the dance and be laughed at along with 10 other girls because we all just got played by the same boy.

"You don't want to go with me, you mean." He says. "Well too bad, you have no choice."

"What are you going to do, kidnap me? Stuff a rag of chloroform in my face and force my unconscious body to dance with you?" I scoff.

"Come on Danes, you know you wanna come." He presses. "Just say yes and I promise I won't disappoint."

"Hmm... how about no?" I giggle.

"If you don't go with me I have ways to get you to come." He smirks.

"Oh really?" I lean towards him. "And what would that be?"

"I'll tell Paris you asked me, told me vile things about her, and she'll remove you from the school paper which I know, is the only thing keeping you and her friends." He says.

He's got me.

I can't give up the paper and if I have Paris hating me for the rest of my high school days, I can consider my life miserable. I'd rather the embarrassment of being played than an angry Paris.

"Well played, Dugray." I sigh.

"See you at three, Danes." He winks.


I glance anxiously at the clock.


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