🥀 Nowhere Else To Go

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~ I know I don't want to be the one that you run to ~

My hand reaches for the remote and I switch channels. I'm currently staying with Luke, because of my parents divorce. Choosing a parent is worse than just leaving them both, so that's what I did. Shortly after they both went their seperate ways from Stars Hollow, leaving me with no place to go. Thankfully Luke took me in, even building me a room in his apartment.

He said this was Jess's old bed and that he'd buy me a new mattress if I wanted. Unfortunately, it still smells like him and for some reason that made it impossible for me to part with it. So I refused, keeping the bed and his old pillows. Luke even got me a TV, something he thought was ridiculous to keep in a bedroom. I told him I'd pay for it, but we know Luke. He would never let me do that.

I pause my episode of the Bachelor, a show that I absolutely despise but is the only semidecent show streaming in 2002 other than Kim Possible. Tossing my blankets to the side, I slide on my bunny slippers that Jess got me when we were dating. It's been 3 months since we broke up. Well, technically we didn't break up, he just ran off without telling me what is going on. I hate him for it, but I should've known it was coming. He's too flighty.

Heading for my bedroom door, I open it to reveal an empty apartment. Luke is on an overnight trip with some stupid lawyer he met a couple weeks ago. One thing I hate the most in this world is being alone. I don't like the dark, I don't like not having someone to go on little rants with randomly, and worst of all, I hate the silence.

I walk over to the record player and slide in one of my favorite records, Jess bought it for our one year anniversary. God, why did I keep everything? Lorelai told me that the first step in healing is to forget. Forget by throwing everything away. But why can't I bring myself to do that?

The vinyl plays Britney Spears new album "Oops!.. I did it again". Jess's least favorite album and singer. He hated her with a passion, but because I liked her he put aside his difference. "Don't go knockin' on my door" begins playing and I hum along as I make my way to the fridge, grabbing a pint of ice cream and a baby spoon.

I throw myself onto the couch, engulfing a spoonful of ice cream as I close my eyes to the music.

Suddenly, I hear a faint tap at the door and a faint outline of a person stands behind the window. Checking the time, I see how late it is.

2 in the morning.

At this time, the entire town is asleep. Nobody dares to even leave their houses at this time. Of course, I panic. Am I being kidnapped?

The person knocks again and I realize how ridiculous I'm being, so I get up and walk towards the door.

I turn the doorknob and the door opens to reveal a familiar face.

Dark brown eyes with an annoyed frown on his lips. He stands hunched over, his hand holding his rib. Under his left eye sits an unmistakeable bruise, blood vessels broken all over. He got hit hard.

"I-I'm sorry." He mutters. I always had to intervene, I was what kept him out of fights. Of course this is what he is doing with his life now.

"You can't do this." I tell him, rubbing my temples with one hand, the other holding the door open.

"I know, y/n, I shouldn't be here but.." He trails off.

An annoyed huff escapes my lips. "But what, Jess?"

"I had nowhere else to go." He scoffs, then a harsh cough erupts from his mouth as a small drop of blood drips from the cut on his eye.

I sigh and reach for his elbow. "I'll get you cleaned up, then you have to leave. You hear me?"

He tries to hide it but the smallest smile appears at the corners of his lips. He's finding amusement in this.

I lead him to the couch, lying him down as I fluff a pillow for him to lean against. I walk over to the sink, grabbing one of Luke's black towels and dampening it in the sink, then bring it over to him along with a bag of peas from Luke's fridge.

Without even realizing it, there I am. Gently holding his chin and slowly swiping the blood off his eye and his lip. That's when I notice the sly smile on his face.

"What's so funny?" I huff.

"Nothing," He says, "It's just that you kept them."

"Kept what?" I ask.

"The slippers." He replies, causing me to look down at the litte white bunnies on my toes. I chuckle slightly.

"I guess I just couldn't part with them." I reply, forgetting I'm supposed to be acting cold. "I meant to throw them away."

He sees right through me, like he always has. He only nods and I drop the wet rag on the table. He knows I can't throw them away.

"You broke my heart, you know?" I tell him as I gently set the bag of peas on his eyebrow.

"I know."

"I hate you too." I add.

"I know."

"Do you though?" I ask. "You know how much seeing you right now is killing me inside?"

"I know that too."

"Well you just know everything, don't you now? I wouldn't leave my room for two weeks after you left. I was heartbroken, and everyone knew why. You have no right stepping foot in this town again."

He tries his hardest to keep his composure but I can see in his eyes how deep my words cut him.

"I never should've done that to you." He admits. "I was dumb, I needed some space."

"I needed you, Jess. My parents got divorced and I got kicked out. I needed you."

If I wasn't so close to him, I never would've noticed the gloss covering his eyes. He slowly wraps a hand around my neck and pulls me in. My lips touch his and I give in, letting this happen. It shouldn't feel right. He hurt me, and I want to hurt him.

I gently lean back and look into his eyes as he looks into mine.

"I'm here now." He whispers.

"Do you promise?" I ask quietly.

"I promise."

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