Tony nodded. "Okay. Well, get some sleep. Peter, you have school tomorrow. Penny... you have whatever you do all day. Good night."

"Good night," Peter and Penny said at the same time, though Peter sounded happier. Tony left.

"You sure you're okay?" Peter asked. "Been a while since you last had a panic attack. Especially from a nightmare."

Penny sighed. "I'm fine." She got up and sat on her bed. "Tony's right. Go to bed. You have school."

"Yeah yeah," Peter rolled his eyes. "Night," he said, laying down.


Time Skip

Penny sighed as she heard Peter's alarm go off. She never fell back asleep. She just laid there, mind wandering from thought to thought about Hunter. She had to break things off. He's cheating on her. With multiple people! Zoey always told her she should date him. Zo didn't trust him. He's older than she is and she's older than Penny.

Penny sat up and looked over at Peter, who was sleeping through his alarm. Penny wiped off her face as she got up and hit him with a pillow on the floor. Peter shot up and glared at her. Penny snickered slightly as she walked into their shared bathroom. She washed up before making her way downstairs. She's usually down there by now. Not that she's heading down much later. About 15 minutes maybe.

Penny walked into the kitchen. Steve looked over and passed her a cup of coffee. "Good morning," he said.

"Morning," she said. She sipped her coffee. "What are you making?"

"Pancakes. How many do you want?"

Penny thought about it. She was about to say 5, she's hungry, but her mind wandered to the picture from last night. Her appetite went wayyyyy down. "I'll just have 1. Not very hungry."

Steve nodded. "If you say so."

Tony walked down into the kitchen. "Hey, Penny. How are you feeling? Better?" He asked. Steve raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything.

Penny nodded. "Yeah," she said softly, sipping on her coffee.

"Good," Tony said, getting his own cup of coffee. "Peter up?"

"Yeah. He'll probably be down soon."

Steve handed Penny a plate with one pancake. "There's stuff to put on top of you want," he said then turned to Tony. "How many?"

"Hm... 3," Tony answered.

It wasn't long before everyone started trickling down to the kitchen. Peter came down with his bag, dressed for school. He sat down next to Penny, smiling at her.

"How many pancakes do you want Pete?" Steve asked.

"5 please," Peter said.

Steve nodded.

Time Skip

Penny was down in the lab. She was working on trying to make a life size version of the flying board. She'd been tinkering with it for about an hour now. Peter was at school, most of the Avengers were off on new and odd missions or seeing family or off planet. Tony was on the other side of the lab working on his own thing.

Penny had headphones on blasting music at full volume trying to block out all thoughts of him. Ugh. Hunter is such an ass. Penny tried to just focus on her project but couldn't seem to. She was getting frustrated. She couldn't understand why nothing was working for her. She's supposed to be Miss. Perfect. That's what everyone used to call her in school. That's what everyone thought she was. Especially when she was 9 years old and already in middle school. Or when she tested out of high school at age 12.

Penny yelped slightly as she got shocked by a loose wire. She muttered curses under her breath, switching between languages. She did know 7 of them.

She's never had this much trouble with a project. Nor did she ever get knowingly cheated on. She has to break up with him, but she doesn't know what to say.

Tony looked over. "You okay?" He asked, but because of her headphones, Penny couldn't hear. He noticed her eyes wettering slightly. Wow, that shock must have hurt.

Penny dropped her tools down on the desk and took a few deep breaths. She couldn't do this anymore. Not right now. She went over to the elevator and left for her room. She laid on her bed, changed her playlist to something with more base. The vibrations of the headphones were nice. She let tears roll down her face as she just laid there. She mindlessly started scratching at her skin. Emotions suck.

Time Skip

Penny woke up and looked around. She must have fallen asleep. Her music was no longer playing. She sat up, taking off the headphones. She looked at her phone... it was dead. She put it on the charger before getting up. Going into the bathroom and looking in the mirror she saw how tear stained her face was. There was also proof of scratches on her neck. She sighed and left the bathroom, grabbing a change of clothes.

She locked the bathroom door, setting the clothes on the counter. The bathroom was quite large. A large bath with jets, and a separate large shower with sprays of like all angles. Big sink with ample counter space. The bathroom alone was probably bigger than a dorm room. Not that she stayed in one, but Hunter did. Ugh. Hunter...

Penny turned on the shower, making the water hot, but not boiling-your-sink-off hot. She stripped her clothes off before stepping in. Her face held no emotion as she let the water wash away the tears from her face and the slight blood from the broken skin on her neck, arms, and stomach. She scratched way too hard, but a jacket will hide the marks and redness.

She was in there for probably 20-30 minutes when there's a knock on the door.

"Hey, Pen! I'm back from school! Ned and MJ are here!" Peter yelled through the door.

"Okay! I'll be out in a few!" Penny yelled back. Great people. She was exhausted from all her emotions. She didn't have the energy to socialize.

Penny turned off the water and wrapped herself in a towel. She dried her skin and put her clothes on before wrapping her hair in her towel. She took a few deep breaths before stepping out. Her skin was a bit red from the heat of the shower so the slight scratches on her neck shouldn't be too noticeable. She'd have a hoodie on before they'd have a chance to notice.

"Hey," she waved. Peter, Ned, and MJ greeted her back before continuing the conversation from before she was there.

Time Skip

Penny sat in bed. Peter was asleep across the room as it was the middle of the night. She looked at her phone trying to compile a text to send to Hunter. Trying to figure out how to tell him it's over. Before she could even type a word she got a text from Hunter.

Hunt: hey Penelope      
Hunt: I can't do this anymore
Hunt: your just a little ugly slut
Hunt: I was using you
Hunt: You thought I loved you but I don't
Hunt: no one could or will ever love you
Hunt: die

Penny could help by starting to cry again. She really did like Hunter and thought he felt the same. Those pictures were a lot, but hearing it from him was too much. She knew she had to break up with him because of the photos but before she could even confront him she's telling her he never loved her. Telling her to die! She kinda wanted to right now. If it wasn't for Peter she'd have no reason to be there. That's what she thought anyway. 

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