6. A Toast

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Wooyoung had awoken from his replay of memories when Yeosang burst in the door and screamed "DINNER'S READY!"

They hadn't eaten a real meal in weeks, only snacking on what they scavenged from homes and stores they stumbled upon. Wooyoung was ecstatic to hear that it was an actual meal.

When he stepped into the Dining House, (what Hongjoong called it), All of the men were sat down except for him. The only seat available was the one right across from San.

Wooyoung sat down despite this, but still didn't want to be stared down while he eats his dinner.

Deer meat sat on a plate in the middle of the table, with candles lighting the room, making the sight seem heavenly. Portions of vegetables lay on side plates as well. The new additions to the table couldn't believe their eyes.

Hongjoong left the table for few minutes after telling the boys not to dig in yet. When he came back he brought a bottle of vodka.

"I saved this for a special occasion, and I have a feeling this is one of those times."

Mingi hadn't even thought of drinking alcohol since the outbreak began. He used to go to the bar a lot before to hang out with his coworkers, and he had never realized how much he missed it.

Hongjoong went around the table pouring some into everyone's glass, and poured some into his before he sat down.

He raised his glass and said, "To our new friends. May we all have a good nights rest with a full stomach."

The boys raised their glasses as well, and few of them clinked their glasses together. They took a drink, and you could tell some of them hadn't really drank alcohol that much before this.

Yunho was the first to take a cut of the meat on the table, and grab some spoonfuls of peas and carrots.

Everyone else followed his lead, and the smiles on the men's faces showed their happiness as they shared a meal with new and old friends.

Everyone except San.

San eyed Wooyoung harshly again. Angrily, he stood up and left the room.

Jongho decided to get up and follow him, hoping to talk some sense into him.

Wooyoung couldn't help but feel scared, wondering if he would come back and try to kill him or something. I mean, he threatened to do so very openly. But, Wooyoung was too hungry to focus on what San was doing.

The boys had been eating like dogs with no manners and making messes of themselves, much to Seonghwa's surprise. He was pretty grossed out at their behavior, but he decided to let it slide since he knew they hadn't eaten this much for days.

A few minutes later, Jongho and San came back into the dining room. They both sat down accordingly, with Jongho seeming pretty satisfied with himself.

San didn't even look at Woo anymore, just avoiding him entirely.

Wooyoung was just glad that he wasn't giving him the death glare anymore. But he still wondered what Jongho said to him to make him change so quickly.

At last, they all finished eating. Yunho let out a loud burp, making Mingi laugh so hard he hit the table. Seonghwa was about to get up and say something to make them stop this behavior, but Hongjoong grabbed his arm and nodded his head as a sign for him to let it be. Seonghwa obliged, but he still didn't like how primitive the boys were acting.

San immediately got up and left, going to his room for the night. Wooyoung had a spark of curiosity, wondering what was going on in his mind.

"Did he know me before the outbreak? Or does just not trust me? I want him to like me. I don't want an enemy here." Wooyoung muttered under his breath.

Jongho was catching on to Wooyoung's worried expression on his face, so he called him over and told him there's a bonfire outside with seats all around it, so we can all get to know each other a bit better. Wooyoung gave a half smile while Jongho guided him to the bonfire.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa sat next to each other, seeing as they're the closest out of their group. Wooyoung sat himself between Yeosang and Jongho, with Mingi and Yunho beside each other as well. Wooyoung was glad that at least one of the other guys was being nice to him. Jongho seemed nice enough to be able to talk to.

As the boys settled into their old lawn chairs, Hongjoong began asking questions about where the boys came from and how they survived this long.

Wooyoung decided to speak up first, seeing as some of his team weren't the best public speakers. He explained to Hongjoong the story of how they were all at the hospital at the right time.

Yeosang told his story of how he tried to help the woman he met and run from the zombies, becoming teary-eyed in the process.

Mingi chimed in and told them why he was in the hospital. Wooyoung had taken care of his gunshot wound after they left the hospital, but it still left a visible scar on his abdomen. Mingi got up and showed the other boys the scar, getting different reactions such as "ooh" and "oww".

Wooyoung had taken his attention away from Mingi's scar show and looked in the background at the familiar figure on the front porch of one of the houses.

San stood there, staring right at Wooyoung with his dark eyes. His scar seemed to glisten from the firelight, causing it to sort of glow. Wooyoung couldn't help to stare back at him, noticing how handsome he was with the fire glow.

San looked away from him when he noticed Woo was staring back, and quickly ran inside the house.

Wooyoung was truly confused at this point. This time, San's stare didn't seem threatening at all. It almost seemed...


Wooyoung was just overthinking it. San was just giving him the death stare as per usual. He quickly snapped back into reality and began talking with the other guys again. But, he couldn't help but wonder what San's true intentions are.

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